SLVSDF7A December 2016 – July 2017 TPSM84A21
The Power Good (PGOOD) pin is an open drain output. After startup, when the VADJ pin is typically between 95% and 105% of the internal voltage reference, the PGOOD pin pull-down is released and the pin floats. The recommended pull-up resistor value is between 10 kΩ and 100 kΩ to a voltage source of 5.5 V or less. For convenience, VG can be used as the pull-up voltage. The PGOOD is in a defined state once the VIN input voltage is greater than approximately 1.2 V, but with reduced current sinking capability. The PGOOD achieves full current sinking capability once the VIN input voltage is above the input UVLO. The PGOOD pin is pulled low when the VADJ pin voltage is typically lower than 95% or greater than 105% of the nominal internal reference voltage. The PGOOD pin is also pulled low if a fault is detected, the EN pin is pulled low, or the converter is performing its soft-start power up sequence.