SLLSEE5D february 2013 – july 2023 TUSB8040A1
The TUSB8040A1 supports a single-controller, standard mode (100 kbit/s) connection to a dedicated I2C EEPROM when the I2C interface mode is enabled. In I2C mode, the TUSB8040A1 reads the contents of the EEPROM at bus address 1010000b using 7-bit addressing starting at address 0. If the value of the EEPROM contents at byte 00h equals 55h, the TUSB8040A1 loads the configuration registers according to the EEPROM map. If the first byte is not 55h, the TUSB8040A1 exits the I2C mode and continues execution with the default values in the configuration registers. The hub will not connect on the upstream port until the configuration is completed.
Note, some bytes located below offset 9h are optional. Please refer to the detailed register descriptions for any requirements on EEPROM configuration of registers.
For details on I2C operation refer to the UM10204 I2C-bus Specification and User Manual.