SLUSF13 august 2023 UCC15240-Q1
NAME | NO. | ||
GNDP | 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 | G | Primary-side ground connection for VIN. PIN 1,2, and 5 are analog ground. PIN 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 are power ground. Place several vias to copper pours for thermal relief. See Layout Guidelines section. |
PG | 3 | O | Active low power-good open-drain output pin. PG remains low when (VVIN_UVLOP ≤ VVIN ≤ VVIN_OVLOP); (VVDD_UVP ≤ VFBVDD ≤ VVDD_OVP); (VVEE_UVP ≤ VFBVEE ≤ VVEE_OVP); TJ_Primary ≤ TSHUTPPRIMARY_RISE; and TJ_secondary ≤ TSHUTSSECONDARY_RISE |
ENA | 4 | I | Enable pin. Forcing ENA LOW disables the device. Pull HIGH to enable normal device functionality. 5.5-V recommended maximum. |
VIN | 6, 7 | P | Primary input voltage. PIN 6 is for analog input, and PIN 7 is for power input. For PIN 7, connect one 10-µF ceramic capacitor from power VIN PIN 7 to power GNDP PIN 8. Connect a 0.1-µF high-frequency bypass ceramic capacitor close to PIN 7 and PIN 8. |
VEE | 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 30,31, 36 | G | Secondary-side reference connection for VDD and COM. The VEE pins are used for the high current return paths. |
VDD | 28, 29 | P | Secondary-side isolated output voltage from transformer. Connect a 2.2-µF and a parallel 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor from VDD to VEE. The 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor is the high frequency bypass and must be next to the IC pins. A 4.7-µF or 10-µF ceramic capacitor can be used instead of 2.2 µF to further reduce the output ripple voltage |
RLIM | 32 | P | Secondary-side second isolated output voltage resistor to limit the source current from VDD to COM node, and the sink current from COM to VEE. Connect a resistor from RLIM to COM to regulate the (COM – VEE) voltage. See RLIM Resistor Selection for more detail. |
FBVEE | 33 | I | Feedback (COM – VEE) output voltage sense pin used to adjust the output (COM – VEE) voltage. Connect a resistor divider from COM to VEE so that the midpoint is connected to FBVEE, and the equivalent FBVEE voltage when regulating is 2.5 V. Add a 330-pF ceramic capacitor for high frequency decoupling in parallel with the low-side feedback resistor. The 330-pF ceramic capacitor for high frequency bypass must be next to the FBVEE and VEEA IC pins on top layer or back layer connected with vias. |
FBVDD | 34 | I | Feedback (VDD – VEE) output voltage sense pin and to adjust the output (VDD – VEE) voltage. Connect a resistor divider from VDD to VEE so that the midpoint is connected to FBVDD, and the equivalent FBVDD voltage when regulating is 2.5 V. Add a 330-pF ceramic capacitor for high frequency decoupling in parallel with the low-side feedback resistor. The 330-pF ceramic capacitor for high frequency bypass must be next to the FBVDD and VEEA IC pins on top layer or back layer connected with vias. |
VEEA | 35 | G | Secondary-side analog sense reference connection for the noise sensitive analog feedback inputs, FBVDD and FBVEE. Connect the low-side feedback resistors and high frequency decoupling filter capacitor close to the VEEA pin and respective feedback pin FBVDD or FBVEE. Connect to secondary-side gate drive lowest voltage reference, VEE. Use a single point connection and place the high frequency decoupling ceramic capacitor close to the VEEA pin. See Layout Guidelines section. |