SLUSF13 august 2023 UCC15240-Q1
INPUT SUPPLY (Primary-side. All voltages with respect to GNDP) | ||||||
VVIN | Input voltage range | Primary-side input voltage to GNDP | 21 | 24 | 27 | V |
IVINQ_OFF | VIN quiescent current, disabled | VENA=0 V; VVIN=21 V - 27 V | 700 | µA | ||
IVIN_ON_NO_LOAD | VIN operating current, enabled, No Load | VENA=5 V; VVIN=21 V - 27 V; (VDD-VEE) =25-V regulating; IVDD-VEE = 0 mA. Single Output. | 35 | mA | ||
IVIN_ON_FULL_LOAD | VIN operating current, enabled, Full Load | VENA=5 V; VVIN=21 V - 27 V; (VDD-VEE) = 25-V regulating; IVDD-VEE = 60 mA. Single Output. | 250 | mA | ||
UVLOP COMPARATOR (Primary-side. All voltages with respect to GNDP) | ||||||
VVIN_ANALOG_UVLOP_RISING | VIN analog undervoltage lockout rising threshold | Analog Comparator Always Active First | 7.8 | 8.2 | 8.5 | V |
VVIN_ ANALOG_UVLOP_FALLING | VIN analog undervoltage lockout falling threshold | Analog Comparator Always Active First | 7 | 7.4 | 7.7 | V |
VVIN_UVLOP_RISING | VIN undervoltage lockout rising threshold | 19 | 20 | 21 | V | |
VVIN_UVLOP_FALLING | VIN undervoltage lockout falling threshold | 17.1 | 18 | 18.9 | V | |
OVLO COMPARATOR (Primary-side. All voltages with respect to GNDP) | ||||||
VVIN_OVLO_RISING | VIN overvoltage lockout rising threshold | 29.45 | 31 | 32.55 | V | |
VVIN_OVLO_FALLING | VIN overvoltage lockout falling threshold | 27.55 | 29 | 30.45 | V | |
TSHUTP THERMAL SHUTDOWN COMPARATOR (Primary-side. All voltages with respect to GNDP) | ||||||
TSHUTPPRIMARY_RISING | Primary-side over-temperature shutdown rising threshold | First time at power-up TJ needs to be < 140 °C to turnon | 150 | 160 | 170 | °C |
TSHUTPPRIMARY_HYST | Primary-side over-temperature shutdown hysteresis | 15 | 20 | 25 | °C | |
ENA INPUT PIN (Primary-side. All voltages with respect to GNDP) | ||||||
VEN_IR | Input voltage rising threshold, logic HIGH | Rising edge | 1.25 | 1.95 | V | |
VEN_IF | Input voltage falling threshold, logic LOW | Falling edge | 0.84 | 1.50 | V | |
IEN | Enable Pin Input Current | VENA = 5.0 V | 5 | 18 | µA | |
PG OPEN-DRAIN OUTPUT PIN (Primary-side. All voltages with respect to GNDP) | ||||||
VPG_OUT_LO | PG output-low saturation voltage | Sink Current = 5 mA, power good | 0.5 | V | ||
IPG_OUT_HI | PG Leakage current | VPG = 5.5 V, power not good | 5 | µA | ||
Primary-side Control (All voltages with respect to GNDP) | ||||||
FSW | Switching frequency | VVIN = 24 V; VENA = 5 V; (VDD-VEE) = 25 V | 11 | 13 | 15 | MHz |
FSSM | Frequency of Spread Spectrum Modulation (SSM) triangle waveform | VVIN = 24 V; VENA = 5 V; (VDD-VEE) = 25 V | 90 | kHz | ||
SSM Percentage change of FCARRIER | SSM Percent change of carrier frequency during Spread Spectrum Modulation (SSM) by triangle waveform | VVIN = 24 V; VENA = 5 V; (VDD-VEE) = 25 V | 5 | % | ||
tSOFT_START_TIME_OUT | Primary-side soft-start time-out | Timer begins when VIN > UVLOP and ENA = High and reset when Powergood pin indicates Good | 34.8 | ms | ||
(VDD-VEE) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVDD_RANGE | (VDD – VEE) Output voltage range | POUT_MAX up to 1.5W @ TA = 105oC | 18 | 25 | V | |
VVDD_RANGE | (VDD – VEE) Output voltage range | POUT_MAX up to 1.3W @ TA = 105oC | 15 | 25 | V | |
VVDD_DC_ACCURACY | (VDD – VEE) Output voltage DC regulation accuracy | Secondary-side (VDD – VEE) output voltage, over load, line and temperature range, externally adjust with external resistor divider |
-1.3 | 1.3 | % | |
(VDD-VEE) REGULATION HYSTERETIC COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VFBVDD_REF | Feedback regulation reference voltage for (VDD – VEE) | (VDD – VEE) output in regulation | 2.4675 | 2.5 | 2.5325 | V |
VFBVDD_HYST | FBVDD Hysteresis comparator hysteresis settings. Hysteresis at the FBVDD pin. [The (VDD-VEE) hysteresis would amplify this FBVDD hysteresis by the feedback resistor divider gain.] | 9 | 10 | 12.3 | mV | |
(COM-VEE) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVEE_RANGE | (COM – VEE) Output voltage range | Secondary-side (COM – VEE), adjust with external resistor divider | 2.5 | (VDD-VEE) | V | |
VVEE_DC_ACURACY | (COM - VEE) Output voltage DC regulation accuracy |
Secondary-side (COM – VEE) output voltage, over load, line and temperature range, externally adjust with external resistor divider |
–1.3 | 1.3 | % | |
(COM-VEE) REGULATION HYSTERETIC COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VFBVEE_REF | Feedback regulation reference voltage for (COM – VEE) | (COM – VEE) output in regulation | 2.4675 | 2.5 | 2.5325 | V |
VRLIM_SHORT_CHRG_CMP_RISE | Rlim Short Charge comparator rising threshold to exit PWM | Rising threshold | 0.73 | V | ||
tRLIM_SHORT_CHRG_ON_TIME | On-Time during RLIM pin Short Charge PWM mode | RLIM pin < 0.645 V, while FBVEE pin < 2.48 V | 1.2 | us | ||
tRLIM_SHORT_CHRG_OFF_TIME | Off-Time during RLIM pin Short Charge PWM mode | RLIM pin < 0.645 V, while FBVEE pin < 2.48 V | 5 | us | ||
(VDD-VEE) UVLOs COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVDD_UVLO_RISING | (VDD – VEE) undervoltage lockout rising threshold | Voltage at FBVDD | 0.9 | V | ||
VVDD_UVLO_HYST | (VDD – VEE) undervoltage lockout hysteresis | Voltage at FBVDD | 0.2 | V | ||
(VDD-VEE) OVLOs COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVDD_OVLOS_RISING | (VDD – VEE) over-voltage lockout rising threshold | Voltage from VDD to VEE, rising | 29.45 | 31 | 32.55 | V |
VVDD_OVLOS_FALLING | (VDD – VEE) over-voltage lockout falling threshold | Voltage from VDD to VEE, falling | 27.55 | 29 | 30.45 | V |
SOFT-START (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
tblankout | Blank out time after soft start before PG for (VDD-VEE) UVP and (COM-VEE) UVP & OVP | 3 | ms | |||
(VDD-VEE) UVP, UNDER -VOLTAGE PROTECTION COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVDD_UVP_RISING | (VDD – VEE) under-voltage protection rising threshold, VUVP = VREF × 90% | 2.175 | 2.25 | 2.35 | V | |
VVDD_UVP_HYST | (VDD – VEE) under-voltage protection hysteresis | 20 | mV | |||
(VDD-VEE) OVP, OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTION COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVDD_OVP_RISING | (VDD – VEE) over-voltage lockout rising threshold, VOVP = VREF ×110% | 2.7 | 2.75 | 2.825 | V | |
VVDD_OVP_HYST | (VDD – VEE) over-voltage protection hysteresis | 20 | mV | |||
(COM-VEE) UVP, UNDER -VOLTAGE PROTECTION COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVEE_UVP_RISING | (COM – VEE) under-voltage protection rising threshold, VUVP = VREF × 90% | 2.1 | 2.25 | 2.4 | V | |
VVEE_UVP_HYST | (COM – VEE) under-voltage protection hysteresis | 20 | mV | |||
(COM-VEE) OVP, OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTION COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
VVEE_OVP_RISING | (COM – VEE) over-voltage protection rising threshold, VOVP = VREF × 110% | 2.7 | 2.75 | 2.825 | V | |
VVEE_OVP_HYST | (COM – VEE) over-voltage protection hysteresis | 20 | mV | |||
TSHUTS THERMAL SHUTDOWN COMPARATOR (Secondary-side. All voltages with respect to VEE) | ||||||
TSHUTSSECONDARY_RISE | Secondary -side over-temperature shutdown rising threshold | First time at power-up Tj needs to be < 140oC to turnon. | 150 | 160 | 170 | °C |
TSHUTSSECONDARY_HYST | Secondary-side over-temperature shutdown hysteresis | 15 | 20 | 25 | °C | |
CMTI (Common Mode Transient Immunity) | ||||||
CMTI | Common Mode Transient Immunity | Positive VEE with respect to GNDP | 150 | V/ns | ||
Negative VEE with respect to GNDP | -150 | V/ns | ||||
INTEGRATED MAGLAM TRANSFORMER (Primary-side to Secondary-side. Note: these values unique for each version of XFMR) | ||||||
N | Transformer effective turns ratio | Secondary side to primary side | 1.18 | - |