Automotive DC/DC converter
The UCC27332-Q1 is a single channel, high-speed, low-side gate driver capable of effectively driving MOSFET and GaN power switches. UCC27332-Q1 has a typical peak drive strength of 9-A, which reduces the rise and fall times of the power switches, lowering switching losses and increasing efficiency. The UCC27332-Q1 device's small propagation delay yields better power stage efficiency by improving the dead time optimization, pulse width utilization, control loop response, and transient performance of the system.
UCC27332-Q1 can handle –5-V on its input, which improves robustness in systems with moderate ground bouncing. An independent enable signal allows the power stage to be controlled independent of the main control logic. The gate driver can quickly shut off the power stage if there is a fault in the system (which requires the power train to be turned-off). The enable function also improves system robustness. Many high-frequency switching power supplies exhibit high frequency noise at the gate of the power device, which can get injected into the output pin of the gate driver and can cause the driver to malfunction. The UCC27332-Q1 performs well in such conditions due to its transient reverse current and reverse voltage capability.
The strong internal pulldown MOSFET holds the output low if the VDD voltage is below the specified power on reset threshold. This active pulldown feature further improves system robustness. The small 3-mm×3mm MSOP package enables optimum gate driver placement and inproved layout. This small package also enables optimum gate driver placement and improved layout.
UCC27332-Q1 | DGN (VSSOP-PowerPAD, 8) | 3.0 mm × 4.9 mm | 3.0 mm x 3.0 mm |