SLUSBW3D March 2014 – December 2017 UCC28630 , UCC28631 , UCC28632 , UCC28633 , UCC28634
Because the controller employs fixed-point sampling for output voltage sensing, there are some transformer design constraints that must be observed. The minimum magnetizing volt-seconds during the on-time interval occurs at the minimum CS pin voltage, VCS(min), under light-load conditions. This minimum should be the case at all line voltages, because the controller compensates for line-dependent peak-current overshoot during turn-off delay. The choice of transformer turns ratio, transformer inductance (LPRI), and current sense resistance (RCS) must ensure that the corresponding reset volt-seconds during the flyback interval are sufficient that a valid output sample is available at the sample point, tOUT(smp). This constraint is summarized in Equation 15.
Additionally, the device requires a minimum on-time, tON(min) , to ensure enough time for the system input voltage (VIN) and switch current (ISW ) to be measured. To meet the minimum on-time requirement at maximum line, and minimum load, the ratio of current sense resistance (RCS) to transformer inductance (LPRI) must meet the constraint shown in Equation 16.
Equation 15 or Equation 16 sets the limit for the ratio of RCS to LPRI, but both need to be verified. See Typical Application for more details.