SLUSEI6 November 2021 UCC28781-Q1
Besides the choice of AC flux density (ΔB) with LM and NP, the core loss of the transformer can also be significantly reduced by proper selection of the magnetic core material. For converters operating at full-load switching frequencies up to 250 kHz, ferrite materials such as Ferroxcube 3C97 or 3C98, for example, exhibit low core-loss density. For converters operating at full-load switching frequencies over 400 kHz, materials such as 3F36 from Ferroxcube and N49 from TDK/Epcos exhibit low core-loss density. Other ferrite materials with equivalent or similar loss characteristics may also be used.
Litz wire is recommended for both primary and secondary windings, in order to reduce the RAC losses caused by high-frequency proximity effect and skin effect of the windings. Choose a suitable insulation class for the windings based on the expected and measured maximum operating temperature under sustained over-stress conditions.