SLUSEP2 December 2021 UCC28781
Referring back to Section 7.3.1, it is recommended that ABM is entered at no higher than 50% to 60% of full load. Equation 1 and Equation 2, or Equation 1 and Equation 4, provide two equations for calculating two unknowns for the BUR-pin resistor values. However, choose the target values of VCST(BUR), ΔVBUR(AAM), and ΔVBUR(LPM) first. Because the ratio of IBUR(AAM) to IBUR(LPM) is fixed at 1.852 (5 µA / 2.7 µA), it is necessary to target ΔVBUR(AAM) = 185 mV to ensure that ΔVBUR(LPM) = 100 mV, per guidance in Section 7.3.1.
The procedure to determine the value of VCST(BUR) is quite complex and is not provided in this datasheet. Instead, a soon-to-be-released UCC28781 Excel Calculator Tool automatically calculates this value based on user input and determines the VBUR target voltage VBUR_tgt. Using this target value, it further determines the appropriate values for RBUR2 and RBUR1 to meet the BUR pin targets based on user selections for the following set of equations.
Expected values are used to determine recommended resistances, then actual resistances are selected from standard value series and the resulting actual voltages are calculated from the selected resistor values. Actual voltage results should be close to the targeted values.
Calculate expected ΔVBUR(LPM) value based on ΔVBUR(AAM) target value.
Calculate the expected value for the parallel combination of RBUR1 with RBUR2.
Calculate the recommended value for RBUR1 and choose a standard 1% tolerance value for RBUR1_act that is close to the recommended value.
Calculate the recommended value for RBUR2 using RBUR1_act and choose a standard 1% tolerance value for RBUR2_act that is close to the recommended value.
Calculate the actual values for VBUR, ΔVBUR(AAM), and ΔVBUR(LPM) using RBUR1_act and RBUR2_act.
Finally, verify that the total summation of the BUR voltage with hysteresis does not exceed the BUR-pin upper clamp voltage of 2.4 V.