The ADC34J4x is a high-linearity, ultra-low power, quad-channel, 14-bit, 50-MSPS to 160-MSPS, analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The devices are designed specifically to support demanding, high input frequency signals with large dynamic range requirements. A clock input divider allows more flexibility for system clock architecture design while the SYSREF input enables complete system synchronization. The ADC34J4x family supports serial current-mode logic (CML) and JESD204B interfaces in order to reduce the number of interface lines, thus allowing high system integration density. The JESD204B interface is a serial interface, where the data of each ADC are serialized and output over only one differential pair. An internal phase-locked loop (PLL) multiplies the incoming ADC sampling clock by 20 to derive the bit clock that is used to serialize the 14-bit data from each channel. The ADC34J4x devices support subclass 1 with interface speeds up to 3.2 Gbps.
ADC34J4x | VQFN (48) | 7.00 mm × 7.00 mm |
NAME | NO. | ||
AVDD | 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 17, 20, 25, 28, 29, 32, 39, 46 | I | Analog 1.8-V power supply |
CLKM | 18 | I | Negative differential clock input for the ADC |
CLKP | 19 | I | Positive differential clock input for the ADC |
DAM | 48 | O | Negative serial JESD204B output for channel A |
DAP | 47 | O | Positive serial JESD204B output for channel A |
DBM | 45 | O | Negative serial JESD204B output for channel B |
DBP | 44 | O | Positive serial JESD204B output for channel B |
DCM | 41 | O | Negative serial JESD204B output for channel C |
DCP | 40 | O | Positive serial JESD204B output for channel C |
DDM | 38 | O | Negative serial JESD204B output for channel D |
DDP | 37 | O | Positive serial JESD204B output for channel D |
DVDD | 3, 34 | I | Digital 1.8-V power supply |
GND | PowerPAD™ | I | Ground, 0 V |
INAM | 6 | I | Negative differential analog input for channel A |
INAP | 7 | I | Positive differential analog input for channel A |
INBM | 11 | I | Negative differential analog input for channel B |
INBP | 10 | I | Positive differential analog input for channel B |
INCM | 26 | I | Negative differential analog input for channel C |
INCP | 27 | I | Positive differential analog input for channel C |
INDM | 31 | I | Negative differential analog input for channel D |
INDP | 30 | I | Positive differential analog input for channel D |
OVRA | 2 | O | Overrange indicator for channel A |
OVRB | 1 | O | Overrange indicator for channel B |
OVRC | 36 | O | Overrange indicator for channel C |
OVRD | 35 | O | Overrange indicator for channel D |
PDN | 33 | I | Power-down control. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
RESET | 21 | I | Hardware reset; active high. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ, pull-down resistor. |
SCLK | 13 | I | Serial interface clock input. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
SDATA | 14 | I | Serial interface data input. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
SDOUT | 16 | O | Serial interface data output |
SEN | 15 | I | Serial interface enable. Active low. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-up resistor to AVDD. |
SYNCM~ | 42 | I | Negative JESD204B synch input |
SYNCP~ | 43 | I | Positive JESD204B synch input |
SYSREFM | 23 | I | Negative external SYSREF input |
SYSREFP | 22 | I | Positive external SYSREF input |
VCM | 24 | O | Common-mode voltage output for the analog inputs |