The ADS85x8 contain eight low-power, 12-, 14-, or 16-bit, successive approximation register (SAR)-based analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with true bipolar inputs. These channels are grouped in four pairs, thus allowing simultaneous high-speed signal acquisition of up to 650 kSPS.
The devices support selectable parallel or serial interface with daisy-chain capability. The programmable reference allows handling of analog input signals with amplitudes up to ±12 V.
The ADS85x8 family supports an auto-sleep mode for minimum power dissipation and is available in both 64-pin VQFN and LQFP packages. The entire family is specified over a temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.
ADS85x8 | VQFN (64) | 9.00 mm × 9.00 mm |
LQFP (64) | 10.00 mm × 10.00 mm |
Changes from B Revision (November 2015) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (October 2011) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (August 2011) to A Revision
AGND | 5, 15, 44, 51, 58, 62 | P | Analog ground; connect to the analog ground plane. | |
ASLEEP | 36 | DI | Auto-sleep enable input. When low, the device operates in normal mode. When high, the device functions in auto-sleep mode where the hold mode and the actual conversion is activated six conversion clock (tCCLK) cycles after issuing a conversion start using a CONVST_x. This mode is recommended to save power if the device runs at a lower data rate; see the Reset and Power-Down Modes section for more details. |
AVDD | 4, 14, 45, 52, 57, 61 | P | Analog power supply. Decouple according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
BUSY/INT | 35 | DO | When CONFIG bit C27 = 0 (BUSY/INT), this pin is a converter busy status output. This pin transitions high when a conversion is started and transitions low for a single conversion clock cycle (tCCLK) whenever a channel pair conversion is completed and stays low when the conversion of the last channel pair completes. When bit C27 = 1 (BUSY/INT in CONFIG), this pin is an interrupt output. This pin transitions high after a conversion completes and remains high until the next read access. This mode can only be used if all eight channels are sampled simultaneously (all CONVST_x tied together). The polarity of the BUSY/INT output can be changed using the C26 bit (BUSY L/H) in the Configuration register. |
CH_A0 | 42 | AI | Analog input of channel A0; channel A is the master channel pair that is always active. The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by Configuration register (CONFIG) bit C24 (RANGE_A) in software mode. In cases where channel pairs of the device are used at different data rates, channel pair A must always run at the highest data rate. |
CH_A1 | 47 | AI | Analog input of channel A1; channel A is the master channel pair that is always active. The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C24 (RANGE_A) in software mode. In cases where channel pairs of the device are used at different data rates, channel pair A must always run at the highest data rate. |
CH_B0 | 49 | AI | Analog input of channel B0. The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C23 (RANGE_B) in software mode. | |
CH_B1 | 54 | AI | Analog input of channel B1. The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C23 (RANGE_B) in software mode. | |
CH_C0 | 64 | AI | Analog input of channel C0. The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C21 (RANGE_C) in software mode. | |
CH_C1 | 59 | AI | Analog input of channel C1. The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C21 (RANGE_C) in software mode. | |
CH_D0 | 7 | AI | Analog input of channel D0.The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C19 (RANGE_D) in software mode. This pin can be powered down using CONFIG bit C18 (PD_D) in software mode. | |
CH_D1 | 2 | AI | Analog input of channel D1.The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C19 (RANGE_D) in software mode. This pin can be powered down using CONFIG bit C18 (PD_D) in software mode. | |
CONVST_A | 37 | DI | Conversion start of channel pair A. The rising edge of this signal initiates simultaneous conversion of analog signals at inputs CH_A[1:0]. This signal resets the internal channel state machine that causes the data output to start with conversion results of channel A0 with the next read access. |
CONVST_B | 38 | DI | Conversion start of channel pair B. The rising edge of this signal initiates simultaneous conversion of analog signals at inputs CH_B[1:0]. |
CONVST_C | 39 | DI | Conversion start of channel pair C. The rising edge of this signal initiates simultaneous conversion of analog signals at inputs CH_C[1:0]. |
CONVST_D | 40 | DI | Conversion start of channel pair D. The rising edge of this signal initiates simultaneous conversion of analog signals at inputs CH_D[1:0]. |
CS/FS | 13 | DI, DI | Chip-select input. When low, the parallel interface is enabled. When high, the interface is disabled. |
Frame synchronization. The FS falling edge controls the frame transfer. |
DB0/DCIN_D | 33 | DIO, DI | Data bit 0 (LSB) input/output | When DCEN = 1 and SEL_CD = 1, this pin is the daisy-chain data input for SDO_D of the previous device in the chain. When DCEN = 0, connect to DGND. |
DB1/DCIN_C | 32 | DIO, DI | Data bit 1 input/output | When DCEN = 1 and SEL_CD = 1, this pin is the daisy-chain data input for SDO_C of the previous device in the chain. When DCEN = 0, connect to DGND. |
DB2/DCIN_B | 31 | DIO, DI | Data bit 2 input/output | When DCEN = 1 and SEL_B = 1, this pin is the daisy-chain data input for SDO_B of the previous device in the chain. When DCEN = 0, connect to DGND. |
DB3/DCIN_A | 30 | DIO, DI | Data bit 3 input/output | When DCEN = 1, this pin is the daisy-chain data input for SDO_A of the previous device in the chain. When DCEN = 0, connect to DGND. |
DB4 | 29 | DIO | Data bit 4 input/output | Connect to DGND |
DB5/SEL_CD | 28 | DIO, DI | Data bit 5 input/output | Select SDO_C and SDO_D input. When high, data from channel pair C are available on SDO_C and data from channel pair D are available on SDO_D. When low and SEL_B = 1, data from channel pairs A and C are available on SDO_A and data from channel pairs B and D are available on SDO_B. When low and SEL_B = 0, data from all eight channels are available on SDO_A. |
DB6/SEL_B | 27 | DIO, DI | Data bit 6 input/output | Select SDO_B input. When low, SDO_B is disabled and data from all eight channels are only available through SDO_A. When high and SEL_CD = 0, data from channel pairs B and D are available on SDO_B. When SEL_CD = 1, data from channel pair B are available on SDO_B. |
DB7 | 26 | DIO | Data bit 7 input/output | Must be connected to DGND |
DB8/DCEN | 23 | DIO, DI | Data bit 8 input/output | Daisy-chain enable input. When high, DB[3:0] serve as daisy-chain inputs DCIN_[A:D]. If daisy-chain mode is not used, connect to DGND. |
DB9/SDI | 22 | DIO, DI | Data bit 9 input/output | Hardware mode (HW/SW = 0): connect to DGND. Software mode (HW/SW = 1): serial data input. |
DB10/SCLK | 21 | DIO, DI | Data bit 10 input/output | Serial interface clock input. |
20 | DIO, DI | Data bit 11 input/output. Output is MSB for the ADS8528. |
Hardware mode (HW/SW = 0): reference buffer enable input. When low, all internal reference buffers are enabled (mandatory if internal reference is used). When high, all reference buffers are disabled. |
Software mode (HW/SW = 1): connect to DGND or DVDD. The internal reference buffers are controlled by CONFIG bit C14 (REFBUFEN). |
DB12/SDO_A | 19 | DIO, DO | Data bit 12 input/output. Output is sign extension for the ADS8528. |
Data output for channel pair A. When SEL_CD = 0, data from channel pair C are also available on this output. When SEL_CD = 0 and SEL_B = 0, SDO_A functions as single data output for all eight channels. |
DB13/SDO_B | 18 | DIO, DO | Data bit 13 input/output. Output is sign extension for the ADS8528 and MSB for the ADS8548. |
When SEL_B = 1, this pin is the data output for channel pair B. When SEL_B = 0, tie this pin to DGND. When SEL_CD = 0, data from channel pair D are also available on this output. |
DB14/SDO_C | 17 | DIO, DO | Data bit 14 input/output. Output is sign extension for the ADS8528 and ADS8548. |
When SEL_CD = 1, this pin is the data output for channel pair C. When SEL_CD = 0, tie this pin to DGND. |
DB15/SDO_D | 16 | DIO, DO | Data bit 15 (MSB) input/output. Output is sign extension for the ADS8528 and ADS8548. |
When SEL_CD = 1, this pin is the data output for channel pair D. When SEL_CD = 0, tie this pin to DGND. |
DGND | 24 | P | Buffer I/O ground, connect to digital ground plane | |
DVDD | 25 | P | Buffer I/O supply, connect to digital supply. Decouple according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
HVDD | 48 | P | Positive supply voltage for the analog inputs. Decouple according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
HVSS | 1 | P | Negative supply voltage for the analog inputs. Decouple according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
HW/SW | 41 | DI | Mode selection input. When low, hardware mode is selected and the device functions according to the settings of the external pins. When high, software mode is selected and the device is configured by writing to the Configuration register (CONFIG). |
PAR/SER | 8 | DI | Interface mode selection input. When low, the parallel interface is selected. When high, the serial interface is enabled. |
RANGE/XCLK | 34 | DI/DI/DO | Hardware mode (HW/SW = 0): analog input voltage range select input. When low, the analog input voltage range is ±4 VREF. When high, the analog input voltage range is ±2 VREF. |
Software mode (HW/SW = 1): this pin is an external conversion clock input if CONFIG bit C29 = 1 (CLKSEL); or an internal conversion clock output if CONFIG bit C28 = 1 (CLKOUT_EN). If this pin is not used, connect to DGND. |
RD | 12 | DI/DI | Read data input. When low, the parallel data output is enabled (if CS = 0). When high, the data output is disabled. |
Must be connected to DGND. |
REFAN | 46 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair A. Connect to the decoupling capacitor and AGND according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFAP | 43 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair A. Connect to the decoupling capacitor according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFBN | 53 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair B. Connect to the decoupling capacitor and AGND according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFBP | 50 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair B. Connect to the decoupling capacitor according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFCN | 60 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair C. Connect to the decoupling capacitor and AGND according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFCP | 63 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair C. Connect to the decoupling capacitor according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFDN | 3 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair D. Connect to the decoupling capacitor and AGND according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFDP | 6 | AI | Decoupling capacitor input for the channel pair D reference. Connect to the decoupling capacitor according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFEN/WR | 11 | DI/DI | Hardware mode (HW/SW = 0): internal reference enable input. When high, the internal reference is enabled (the reference buffers are also enabled). When low, the internal reference is disabled and an external reference is applied at REFIO. |
Hardware mode (HW/SW = 0): internal reference enable input. When high, the internal reference is enabled (the reference buffers are also enabled). When low, the internal reference is disabled and an external reference is applied at REFIO. |
Software mode (HW/SW = 1): write input. The parallel data input is enabled when CS and WR are low. The internal reference is enabled by CONFIG bit C15 (REFEN). |
Software mode (HW/SW = 1): connect to DGND or DVDD. The internal reference is enabled by CONFIG bit C15 (REFEN). | |||
REFIO | 56 | AIO | Reference voltage input/output. The internal reference is enabled by the REFEN/WR pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C15 (REFEN) in software mode. The output value is controlled by the internal digital-to-analog converter (DAC), CONFIG bits C[9:0]. Connect to a decoupling capacitor according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
REFN | 55 | AI | Negative reference input/output pin. Connect to a decoupling capacitor and AGND according to the Power Supply Recommendations section. |
RESET | 10 | DI | Reset input, active high. This pin aborts any ongoing conversions and resets the internal Configuration register (CONFIG) to 000003FFh. A valid reset pulse must be at least 50 ns long. |
STBY | 9 | DI | Hardware mode (HW/SW = 0): standby mode input. When low, the entire device is powered down (including the internal conversion clock source and reference). When high, the device operates in normal mode. |
Software mode (HW/SW = 1): connect to DGND or DVDD. The standby mode can be activated using CONFIG bit C25 (STBY). |