BQ79631-Q1 provides high-accuracy measurement capable of measuring divided down voltages from high voltage nodes such as Pack+ (HV Battery Positive terminal), Fuse, Charge (Port), Link (Load) in a battery junction box (BJB) or battery disconnect unit (BDU) system. Key voltage measurements can make use of the integrated digital low-pass filters. The device has a highly accurate integrated current sense ADC capable of measuring current in low-side shunt resistor. The device is capable of measuring the insulation resistance with internal ADC and able to control any switching scheme needed for this measurement. There are eight GPIOs/auxillary inputs that can be used for thermistor measurement, driving relays, measuring voltages, and being a master SPI interface to peripheral SPI devices. The isolated bi-directional daisy-chain ports support both capacitor or transformer based isolation. The device also supports communication over UART.
BQ79631-Q1 | HTQFP (64-pin) | 10.00 mm x 10.00 mm |
Changes from Revision * (December 2021) to Revision A (November 2023)
Host communication to the BQ79631-Q1 can be connected via the device's dedicated UART interface or through a communication bridge device, BQ79600-Q1. Additionally, an isolated, differential daisy-chain communication interface allows the host to communicate with the other UIR monitors and even cell monitors over a single interface. In the event of a communication line break, the daisy-chain communication interface is configurable to a ring architecture that allows the host to talk to devices at either end of the stack.