Portable DLP® Pico™ projectors
The DLPA3005 is a highly-integrated power management IC optimized for DLP®Pico™ Projector systems. The DLPA3005 supports LED projectors up to 16 A per LED and up to 32 A for series LEDs, enabled by an integrated high efficiency buck controller. Additionally, the drivers control the RGB switches, supporting the sequencing of R, G, and B LEDs. The DLPA3005 contains five buck converters, two of which are dedicated for DLPC low voltage supplies. Another dedicated regulating supply generates the three timing-critical DC supplies for the DMD: VBIAS, VRST, and VOFS.
The DLPA3005 contains several auxiliary blocks which can be used in a flexible way. This enables a tailor-made Pico Projector system. One 8-bit programmable buck converter can be used, for instance, to drive rgb projector FAN or to make auxiliary supply line. General purpose buck2 (PWR6) is currently supported. Two LDOs can be used for a lower-current supply, up to 200 mA. These LDOs are predefined to 2.5 V and 3.3 V.
Through the SPI, all blocks of the DLPA3005 can be addressed. Features included are the generation of the system reset, power sequencing, input signals for sequentially selecting the active LED, IC self-protections, and an analog MUX for routing analog information to an external ADC.
DLPA3005(1) | HTQFP (100) | 14.00 mm × 14.00 mm |
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
Changes from Revision * (October 2015) to Revision A (February 2023)
NAME | NO. | ||
N/C | 1 | — | No connect |
DRST_LS_IND | 2 | I/O | Connection for the DMD SMPS-inductor (low-side switch) |
DRST_5P5V | 3 | O | Filter pin for LDO DMD. Power supply for internal DMD reset regulator, typical 5.5 V |
DRST_PGND | 4 | GND | Power ground for DMD SMPS. Connect to ground plane. |
DRST_VIN | 5 | POWER | Power supply input for LDO DMD. Connect to system power. |
DRST_HS_IND | 6 | I/O | Connection for the DMD SMPS-inductor (high-side switch) |
ILLUM_5P5 V | 7 | O | Filter pin for LDO ILLUM. Power supply for internal ILLUM block, typical 5.5 V |
ILLUM_VIN | 8 | POWER | Supply input of LDO ILLUM. Connect to system power. |
CH1_SWITCH | 9 | I | Low-side MOSFET switch for LED Cathode. Connect to RGB LED assembly. |
CH1_SWITCH | 10 | I | Low-side MOSFET switch for LED Cathode. Connect to RGB LED assembly. |
RLIM_1 | 11 | O | Connection to LED current sense resistor for CH1 and CH2 |
RLIM_BOT_K_2 | 12 | I | Kelvin sense connection to ground side of LED current sense resistor |
RLIM_K_2 | 13 | I | Kelvin sense connection to top side of current sense resistor |
RLIM_BOT_K_1 | 14 | I | Kelvin sense connection to ground side of LED current sense resistor |
RLIM_K_1 | 15 | I | Kelvin sense connection to top side of current sense resistor |
RLIM_1 | 16 | O | Connection to LED current sense resistor for CH1 and CH2 |
CH2_SWITCH | 17 | I | Low-side MOSFET switch for LED cathode. Connect to RGB LED assembly. |
CH2_SWITCH | 18 | I | Low-side MOSFET switch for LED cathode. Connect to RGB LED assembly. |
CH1_GATE_CTRL | 19 | O | Gate control of CH1 external MOSFET switch for LED cathode |
CH2_GATE_CTRL | 20 | O | Gate control of CH2 external MOSFET switch for LED cathode |
CH3_GATE_CTRL | 21 | O | Gate control of CH3 external MOSFET switch for LED cathode |
RLIM_2 | 22 | O | Connection to LED current sense resistor for CH3 |
RLIM_2 | 23 | O | Connection to LED current sense resistor for CH3 |
CH3_SWITCH | 24 | I | Low-side MOSFET switch for LED Cathode. Connect to RGB LED assembly. |
CH3_SWITCH | 25 | I | Low-side MOSFET switch for LED Cathode. Connect to RGB LED assembly. |
ILLUM_HSIDE_DRIVE | 26 | O | Gate control for external high-side MOSFET for ILLUM Buck converter |
ILLUM_LSIDE_DRIVE | 27 | O | Gate control for external low-side MOSFET for ILLUM Buck converter |
ILLUM_A_BOOST | 28 | I | Supply voltage for high-side N-channel MOSFET gate driver. A 100-nF capacitor (typical) must be connected between this pin and ILLUM_A_SW. |
ILLUM_A_FB | 29 | I | Input to the buck converter loop controlling ILED |
ILLUM_A_VIN | 30 | POWER | Power input to the ILLUM Driver A |
ILLUM_A_SW | 31 | I/O | Switch node connection between high-side NFET and low-side NFET. Serves as common connection for the flying high side FET driver |
ILLUM_A_PGND | 32 | GND | Ground connection to the ILLUM Driver A |
ILLUM_B_BOOST | 33 | I | Supply voltage for high-side N-channel MOSFET gate driver |
ILLUM_B_VIN | 34 | POWER | Power input to the ILLUM driver B |
ILLUM_B_FB | 35 | I | Input to the buck converter loop controlling ILED |
ILLUM_B_SW | 36 | I/O | Switch node connection between high-side NFET and low-side NFET |
ILLUM_B_PGND | 37 | GND | Ground connection to the ILLUM driver B |
ILLUM_A_COMP1 | 38 | I/O | Connection node for feedback loop components |
ILLUM_A_COMP2 | 39 | I/O | Connection node for feedback loop components |
ILLUM_B_COMP1 | 40 | I/O | Connection node for feedback loop components |
ILLUM_B_COMP2 | 41 | I/O | Connection node for feedback loop components |
THERMAL_PAD | 42 | GND | Thermal pad. Connect to a clean system ground. |
CLK_OUT | 43 | O | No connect. Reserved for color wheel clock output |
CW_SPEED_PWM_OUT | 44 | O | No connect. Reserved for color wheel PWM output |
SPI_VIN | 45 | I | Supply for SPI interface |
SPI_CLK | 46 | I | SPI clock input |
SPI_MISO | 47 | O | SPI data output |
SPI_SS_Z | 48 | I | SPI chip select (active low) |
SPI_MOSI | 49 | I | SPI data input |
PWR7_BOOST | 50 | I | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Charge-pump-supply input for the high-side FET gate drive circuit. Connect 100-nF capacitor between PWR7_BOOST and PWR7_SWITCH pins. |
PWR7_FB | 51 | I | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Converter feedback input. Connect to converter output voltage. |
PWR7_VIN | 52 | POWER | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Power supply input for converter |
PWR7_SWITCH | 53 | I/O | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Switch node connection between high-side NFET and low-side NFET |
PWR7_PGND | 54 | GND | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Ground pin. Power ground return for switching circuit |
ACMPR_LABB_SAMPLE | 55 | I | Control signal to sample voltage at ACMPR_IN_LABB |
PROJ_ON | 56 | I | Input signal to enable and or disable the IC and DLP projector |
RESET_Z | 57 | O | Reset output to the DLP system (active low). The pin is held low to reset DLP system. |
INT_Z | 58 | O | Interrupt output signal (open drain, active low). Connect to the pullup resistor. |
DGND | 59 | GND | Digital ground. Connect to ground plane. |
CH_SEL_0 | 60 | I | Control signal to enable either of CH1,2,3 |
CH_SEL_1 | 61 | I | Control signal to enable either of CH1,2,3 |
PWR6_PGND | 62 | GND | Ground pin. Power ground return for switching circuit |
PWR6_SWITCH | 63 | I/O | Switch node connection between high-side NFET and low-side NFET |
PWR6_VIN | 64 | POWER | Power supply input for converter |
PWR6_BOOST | 65 | I | Charge-pump-supply input for the high-side FET gate drive circuit. Connect a 100-nF capacitor between PWR6_BOOST and PWR6_SWITCH pins. |
PWR6_FB | 66 | I | Converter feedback input. Connect to output voltage. |
PWR5_VIN | 67 | POWER | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Power supply input for converter |
PWR5_SWITCH | 68 | I/O | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Switch node connection between high-side NFET and low-side NFET |
PWR5_BOOST | 69 | I | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Charge-pump-supply input for the high-side FET gate drive circuit. Connect the 100-nF capacitor between PWR5_BOOST and PWR5_SWITCH pins. |
PWR5_PGND | 70 | GND | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Ground pin. Power ground return for switching circuit |
PWR5_FB | 71 | I | Reserved for general purpose buck converter. Converter feedback input. Connect to output voltage. |
PWR2_FB | 72 | I | Converter feedback input. Connect to output voltage. |
PWR2_PGND | 73 | GND | Ground pin. Power ground return for switching circuit |
PWR2_SWITCH | 74 | I/O | Switch node connection between high-side NFET and low-side NFET |
PWR2_VIN | 75 | POWER | Power supply input for converter |
PWR2_BOOST | 76 | I | Charge-pump-supply input for the high-side FET gate drive circuit. Connect a 100-nF capacitor between PWR2_BOOST and PWR2_SWITCH pins. |
ACMPR_IN_1 | 77 | I | Reserved. Input for analog sensor signal |
ACMPR_IN_2 | 78 | I | Input for analog sensor signal |
ACMPR_IN_3 | 79 | I | Input for analog sensor signal |
ACMPR_IN_LABB | 80 | I | Input for ambient light sensor, sampled input |
ACMPR_OUT | 81 | O | Analog comparator out |
ACMPR_REF | 82 | I | Reference voltage input for analog comparator |
PWR_VIN | 83 | POWER | Power supply input for LDO_bucks. Connect to system power. |
PWR_5P5V | 84 | O | Filter pin for LDO_BUCKS. Internal analog supply for buck converters, typical 5.5 V |
VINA | 85 | POWER | Input voltage supply pin for reference system |
AGND | 86 | GND | Analog ground pin |
PWR3_OUT | 87 | O | Filter pin for LDO_2 DMD/DLPC/AUX, typical 2.5 V |
PWR3_VIN | 88 | POWER | Power supply input for LDO_2. Connect to system power. |
PWR4_OUT | 89 | O | Filter pin for LDO_1 DMD/DLPC/AUX, typical 3.3 V |
PWR4_VIN | 90 | POWER | Power supply input for LDO_1. Connect to system power. |
SUP_2P5V | 91 | O | Filter pin for LDO_V2V5. Internal supply voltage, typical 2.5 V |
SUP_5P0V | 92 | O | Filter pin for LDO_V5V. Internal supply voltage, typical 5 V |
PWR1_PGND | 93 | GND | Ground pin. Power ground return for switching circuit |
PWR1_FB | 94 | I | Converter feedback input. Connect to output voltage. |
PWR1_SWITCH | 95 | I/O | Switch node connection between high-side NFET and low-side NFET |
PWR1_VIN | 96 | POWER | Power supply input for converter |
PWR1_BOOST | 97 | I | Charge-pump-supply input for the high-side FET gate drive circuit. Connect an100-nF capacitor between PWR1_BOOST and PWR1_SWITCH pins. |
DMD_VOFFSET | 98 | O | VOFS output rail. Connect to ceramic capacitor. |
DMD_VBIAS | 99 | O | VBIAS output rail. Connect to ceramic capacitor. |
DMD_VRESET | 100 | O | VRESET output rail. Connect to ceramic capacitor. |