The DRV8308 controls sensored brushless DC motors with advanced features and a simple input interface. As a predriver, it drives the gates of 6 external N-Channel MOSFETs with a configurable current of 10mA to 130mA for optimal switching characteristics.
The 3 motor phases are commutated according to the Hall sensor inputs. Once the motor reaches a consistent speed, the DRV8308 uses just 1 Hall sensor to minimize jitter caused by sensor mismatch. The Hall signal-to-drive timing can be advanced or delayed in 0.1% increments to optimize power efficiency. An optional 180° commutation mode drives sinusoidal current through the motor and minimizes audible noise and torque ripple. Peak motor current can be controlled by sizing a sense resistor.
The DRV8308 achieves closed-loop speed control to spin motors to a precise RPM across a wide range of load torques. The system matches motor speed—generated from an FG trace or the Hall sensors—to the reference frequency on pin CLKIN. The DRV8308 can also drive motors open-loop using a duty cycle command, from either a clock or register setting.
An assortment of protection features bolster system robustness, as the DRV8308 handles and reports overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, and overtemperature.
DRV8308 | VQFN (40) | 6.00 mm × 6.00 mm |
Changes from A Revision (October 2014) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (February 2014) to A Revision
NAME | NO. | |||
CP1 | 30 | PWR | Charge pump flying capacitor | Connect a 0.1-μF 35-V capacitor between CP1 and CP2 |
CP2 | 29 | PWR | ||
GND | 26, PPAD | PWR | Ground reference. Pin 26 and the exposed thermal pad are internally connected. | Connect to board GND |
VCP | 28 | PWR | Charge pump storage capacitor | Connect a 1-μF 35-V ceramic capacitor to VM |
VINT | 25 | PWR | Internal 1.8-V core voltage regulator bypass | Bypass to GND with a 1-μF 6.3-V ceramic capacitor |
VM | 27 | PWR | Motor supply voltage | Connect to motor supply voltage. Bypass to GND with a 0.1-μF ceramic capacitor, plus a large electrolytic capacitor (47 μF or larger is recommended), with a voltage rating of 1.5× to 2.5× VM. |
VREG | 24 | PWR | 5-V regulator output. Active when ENABLE is active. | Bypass to GND with a 0.1-μF 10-V ceramic capacitor. Can provide 5-V power to Hall sensors. |
VSW | 7 | PWR | Switched VM power output. When ENABLE is active, VM is applied to this pin. | Can be used for powering Hall elements, along with added series resistance. |
CONTROL | ||||
BRAKE | 20 | I | Causes motor to brake. Polarity is programmable. Internal pulldown resistor. | |
CLKIN | 19 | I | The clock input, used in Clock Frequency Mode and Clock PWM Mode. Internal pulldown resistor. | |
DIR | 21 | I | Sets motor rotation direction. Polarity is programmable. Internal pulldown resistor. | |
ENABLE | 22 | I | Enables and disables motor. Polarity is programmable. Internal pulldown resistor. | |
FAULTn | 17 | OD | Fault indicator – active low when overcurrent, or overtemperature. Open-drain output. | |
FGOUT | 16 | OD | Outputs a TACH signal generated from the FG amplifier or Hall sensors. Open-drain output. | |
LOCKn | 18 | OD | Outputs a signal that indicates the speed loop is locked. Open-drain output. | |
RESET | 23 | I | Active high to reset all internal logic. Internal pulldown resistor. | |
SCLK(2) | 11 | I/OD | Serial clock | SPI mode: Serial clock input. Data is clocked on rising edges. Internal pulldown resistor. EEPROM mode: Connect to EEPROM CLK. Open-drain output requires external pullup. |
SCS(2) | 12 | I/OD | Serial chip select | SPI mode: Active high enables serial interface operation. Internal pulldown resistor. EEPROM mode: Connect to EEPROM CS. Open-drain output requires external pullup. |
SDATAI | 14 | I | Serial data input | SPI mode: Serial data input. Internal pulldown resistor. EEPROM mode: Serial data input. Connect to EEPROM DO terminal. |
SDATAO | 15 | OD | Serial data output | SPI mode: Serial data output. Open-drain output. EEPROM mode: Connect to EEPROM DI. Open-drain output requires external pullup. |
SMODE | 13 | I | Serial mode | SPI mode: leave open or connect to ground for SPI interface mode. EEPROM mode: Connect to logic high to for EEPROM mode. |
ISEN | 31 | I | Low-side current sense resistor | Connect to low-side current sense resistor |
U | 33 | I | Measures motor phase voltages for VFETOCP | Connect to motor windings |
V | 36 | I | ||
W | 39 | I | ||
UHSG | 32 | O | High-side FET gate outputs | Connect to high-side 1/2-H N-channel FET gate |
VHSG | 35 | O | ||
WHSG | 38 | O | ||
ULSG | 34 | O | Low-side FET gate outputs | Connect to low-side 1/2-H N-channel FET gate |
VLSG | 37 | O | ||
WLSG | 40 | O | ||
FGFB | 8 | O | FG amplifier feedback pin | Connect feedback network to FGIN– |
FGINN_TACH | 9 | I(3) | FG amplifier negative input or TACH input | Connect to FG trace and filter components. When using a TACH with FGSEL= 3, connect a logic-level TACH signal. If unused, connect FGFB to FG–. |
FGINP | 10 | I/O | FG amplifier positive input | Connect to FG trace and filter components on the PCB (if used). |
UHP | 1 | I | Hall sensor U positive input | Connect to Hall sensors. Noise filter capacitors may be desirable, connected between the + and – Hall inputs. |
UHN | 2 | I | Hall sensor U negative input | |
VHP | 3 | I | Hall sensor V positive input | |
VHN | 4 | I | Hall sensor V negative input | |
WHP | 5 | I | Hall sensor W positive input | |
WHN | 6 | I | Hall sensor W negative input |