JAJSQJ6 December 2023 ADS1114L , ADS1115L
The ALERT/RDY pin can also be configured as a conversion-ready pin. Set the most-significant bit of the Hi_thresh register to 1b and the most-significant bit of the Lo_thresh register to 0b to enable the pin as a conversion-ready pin. The COMP_POL bit continues to function as expected. Set the COMP_QUE[1:0] bits to any 2-bit value other than 11b to keep the ALERT/RDY pin enabled, and to allow the conversion-ready signal to appear at the ALERT/RDY pin output. The COMP_MODE and COMP_LAT bits no longer control any function. When configured as a conversion-ready pin, ALERT/RDY continues to require a pullup resistor. As shown in Figure 8-7, the ADS111xL provides an approximate 8-µs conversion-ready pulse on the ALERT/RDY pin at the end of each conversion in continuous-conversion mode. In single-shot mode, the ALERT/RDY pin asserts low at the end of a conversion if the COMP_POL bit is set to 0b.