JAJSDU5A August 2017 – February 2020 ADS114S06B , ADS114S08B
The devices require a reference voltage for operation. The ADS114S0xB offers an integrated low-drift 2.5-V reference. For applications that require a different reference voltage value or a ratiometric measurement approach, the ADS114S08B offers two differential reference input pairs (REFP0, REFN0 and REFP1, REFN1). The differential reference inputs allow freedom in the reference common-mode voltage. REFP0 and REFN0 are dedicated reference inputs, whereas REFP1 and REFN1 are shared with inputs AIN6 and AIN7 (respectively) on the ADS114S08B. The specified external reference voltage range is 0.5 V to AVDD. The reference voltage is shown in Equation 7, where V(REFPx) and V(REFNx) are the absolute positive and absolute negative reference voltages.
The polarity of the reference voltage internal to the ADC must be positive. The magnitude of the reference voltage together with the PGA gain establishes the ADC full-scale differential input range as defined by
FSR = ±VREF / Gain.
Figure 45 shows the block diagram of the reference multiplexer. The ADC reference multiplexer selects between the internal reference and two external references (REF0 and REF1). The reference multiplexer is programmed with the REFSEL[1:0] bits in the reference control register (05h). By default, the external reference pair REFP0, REFN0 is selected.