JAJSDU5A August 2017 – February 2020 ADS114S06B , ADS114S08B
The analog input functions (AIN6–AIN11) are not available on pins 19 to 22, 31, and 32 for the ADS114S06B.PIN | FUNCTION | DESCRIPTION(1) | |
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | AINCOM | Analog input | Common analog input for single-ended measurements |
2 | AIN5 | Analog input | Analog input 5 |
3 | AIN4 | Analog input | Analog input 4 |
4 | AIN3 | Analog input | Analog input 3 |
5 | AIN2 | Analog input | Analog input 2 |
6 | AIN1 | Analog input | Analog input 1 |
7 | AIN0 | Analog input | Analog input 0 |
8 | START/SYNC | Digital input | Start conversion |
9 | CS | Digital input | Chip select; active low |
10 | DIN | Digital input | Serial data input |
11 | SCLK | Digital input | Serial clock input |
12 | DOUT/DRDY | Digital output | Serial data output combined with data ready; active low |
13 | DRDY | Digital output | Data ready; active low |
14 | DGND | Digital ground | Digital ground |
15 | IOVDD | Digital supply | Digital I/O power supply. In case IOVDD is not tied to DVDD, connect a 100-nF (or larger) capacitor to DGND. |
16 | DVDD | Digital supply | Digital core power supply. Connect a 100-nF (or larger) capacitor to DGND. |
17 | CLK | Digital input | External clock input. Connect to DGND to use the internal oscillator. |
18 | RESET | Digital input | Reset; active low |
19 | GPIO3/AIN11 | Analog input/output | General-purpose I/O(2); analog input 11 (ADS114S08B only) |
20 | GPIO2/AIN10 | Analog input/output | General-purpose I/O(2); analog input 10 (ADS114S08B only) |
21 | GPIO1/AIN9 | Analog input/output | General-purpose I/O(2); analog input 9 (ADS114S08B only) |
22 | GPIO0/AIN8 | Analog input/output | General-purpose I/O(2); analog input 8 (ADS114S08B only) |
23 | REFOUT | Analog output | Positive voltage reference output. Connect a 1-µF to 47-µF capacitor to REFCOM if the internal voltage reference is enabled. |
24 | REFCOM | Analog output | Negative voltage reference output. Connect to AVSS. |
25 | NC | — | Leave unconnected or connect to AVSS |
26 | AVDD | Analog supply | Positive analog power supply. Connect a 330-nF (or larger) capacitor to AVSS. |
27 | AVSS | Analog supply | Negative analog power supply |
28 | AVSS | Analog supply | Negative analog power supply |
29 | REFN0 | Analog input | Negative external reference input 0 |
30 | REFP0 | Analog input | Positive external reference input 0 |
31 | REFN1/AIN7 | Analog input | Negative external reference input 1; analog input 7 (ADS114S08B only) |
32 | REFP1/AIN6 | Analog input | Positive external reference input 1; analog input 6 (ADS114S08B only) |
Pad | Thermal Pad | — | RHB package only. Thermal power pad. Connect to AVSS. |