JAJSDU5A August 2017 – February 2020 ADS114S06B , ADS114S08B
Sending the POWERDOWN command aborts a currently ongoing conversion and puts the device into power-down mode. The device goes into power-down mode 2 · tCLK after the seventh SCLK falling edge of the command.
For lowest power consumption on DVDD and IOVDD, stop the external clock when in power-down mode. The device does not gate the external clock. When running off the external clock, provide at a minimum two additional tCLKs after the POWERDOWN command is issued, otherwise the device does not enter power-down mode. Alternatively, select the internal oscillator before sending the POWERDOWN command to avoid any issues with decoding of the POWERDOWN and WAKEUP commands.
During power-down mode, the only commands that are available are RREG, RDATA, and WAKEUP.