JAJSHV5B June 2017 – August 2019 ADS1287
The sinc filter (sinx/x) is a variable-decimation, fifth-order, low-pass filter. Data are supplied to this filter from the modulator at the rate of fMOD = fCLK / 4 (high-resolution mode), fCLK / 8 (low-power mode). The sinc filter attenuates the high-frequency noise of the modulator. The sinc filter provides down-sampled, partially-filtered data to the FIR filter. The decimation ratio of the sinc filter is variable and determines the overall data rate. Table 8 shows that the decimation ratio of the sinc filter is programmed by the DR[2:0] register bits.
Equation 8 shows the scaled Z-domain transfer function of the sinc filter.
Equation 9 shows the frequency domain transfer function of the sinc filter.
The frequency response of the sinc filter contains notches (or zeros) that occur at the output data rate frequency and multiples thereof. At these frequencies, the filter has zero gain. Figure 49 shows the wide-band frequency response of the sinc filter and Figure 50 shows the –3-dB response.