JAJSHV5B June 2017 – August 2019 ADS1287
In SDATAC mode, a command is required in order to read conversion data. Send the SDATAC command to first engage the mode. Send an RDATA command, as shown in Figure 60, for each data retrieval operation. After the eighth SCLK rising edge of the RDATA command, conversion data are ready when the ADC drives DRDY low (see the Switching Characteristics table for tP(CMDR) timing). tP(CMDR) is dependent on the timing of the command relative to the conversion phase. When DRDY goes low, MSB conversion data appear on DOUT and the data shift operation can begin (see Figure 3 for DRDY to DOUT timing). The RDATA command must be sent at least as often as the data rate or data are lost. Driving CS high cancels the SDATAC mode; therefore, the SDATAC mode must be reset if CS is taken high prior to each RDATA operation.