4 改訂履歴
Changes from A Revision (November 2017) to B Revision
- Changed Web にフルバージョンをリリースするためにドキュメントをGo
Changes from * Revision (June 2017) to A Revision
- Added second row to tc(SC) parameterGo
- Changed tw(SCH) and tw(SCL) parameters to be merged together, added second row to tw(SCH), tw(SCL) parameter Go
- Changed td(CLSY) unit from 1 / fCLK to nsGo
- Added unit to tp(RSDR) and tp(PWDR) parameters of Switching Characteristics tableGo
- Changed sinc filter block of Digital Filter and Output Code Processing figure from Decimate by 8 to 128 to Decimate by 4 to 128 to include low-power mode settingGo
- Added fMOD = fCLK / 8 for low-power mode to first paragraph of Sinc Filter Stage sectionGo
- Added sinc decimation ratio for low-power mode column and added high-resolution mode column header to Sinc Filter Data Rates tableGo
- Changed fMOD description in Equation 9Go
- Added sinc decimation ratio for low-power mode column and added high-resolution mode column header to FIR Filter Data Rates table Go