JAJSPC7A December 2022 – August 2023 ADS131B23
The ADS131B23 uses an SPI-compatible interface to configure the device and retrieve conversion data. The device always acts as an SPI peripheral; SCLK and CSn are inputs to the interface. The interface operates in SPI mode 1 where CPOL = 0 and CPHA = 1. In SPI mode 1, SCLK idles low and data are launched or changed only on SCLK rising edges; data are latched or read by the controller and peripheral on SCLK falling edges. The interface is full-duplex, meaning data can be sent and received simultaneously by the interface. The device includes the typical SPI signals: CSn, SCLK, SDI, and SDO. In addition, the DRDYn pin serves as a flag to the host to indicate new conversion data are available.