JAJSPC7A December 2022 – August 2023 ADS131B23
NAME | NO. | ||
AGND | 39 | Analog supply | Analog ground. |
AGND | 21 | Analog supply | Analog ground. |
AGNDA | 42 | Analog supply | Section A analog ground. Connect to AGND. |
AGNDB | 19 | Analog supply | Section B analog ground. Connect to AGND. |
APWR | 38 | Analog supply | Analog power supply. Connect a 1-μF capacitor to AGND. |
AVDD | 40 | Analog supply | Analog supply. Connect a 1-μF capacitor to AGND. Sets the logic levels for GPIO0A, GPIO1A, GPIO0B, and GPIO1B. |
CLK | 32 | Digital I/O | Main clock input.(4) |
CNA | 6 | Analog input | ADC1A negative analog input. |
CNB | 9 | Analog input | ADC1B negative analog input. |
CPA | 5 | Analog input | ADC1A positive analog input. |
CPB | 10 | Analog input | ADC1B positive analog input. |
CSn | 31 | Digital input | Chip-select input; active low. Internal pullup resistor to IOVDD.(4) |
DCAP | 36 | Digital supply | DVDD LDO output. Connect a 220-nF capacitor to DGND. |
DGND | 35 | Digital supply | Digital ground. |
DPWR | 37 | Digital supply | Digital power supply. Connect a 1-μF capacitor to DGND. |
DRDYn | 27 | Digital output | Data-ready output; active low.(2)(4) |
GPIO0A | 3 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 0A.(2)(3) |
GPIO0B | 8 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 0B.(2)(3) |
GPIO0/MHD | 33 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 0.(2)(4) Missing host detect output.(2)(4) |
GPIO1 | 26 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 1.(2)(4) |
GPIO1A | 4 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 1A.(2)(3) |
GPIO1B | 7 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 1B.(2)(3) |
GPIO2/FAULT | 25 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 2.(2)(4) Fault output.(2)(4) |
GPIO3/OCCA | 24 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 3.(2)(4) Overcurrent comparator A output.(2)(4) |
GPIO4/OCCB | 22 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 4.(2)(4) Overcurrent comparator B output.(2)(4) |
IOVDD | 34 | Digital supply | Digital I/O supply. Connect a 1-μF capacitor to DGND. Sets the logic levels for the digital I/Os, except for GPIO0A, GPIO1A, GPIO0B, and GPIO1B. |
NC | 11 to 18 | NC | No connect. Leave these pins floating or connected to AGNDB. |
RCAPA | 41 | Analog output | REFA voltage reference output. Connect a 1-μF capacitor to AGNDA. |
RCAPB | 20 | Analog output | REFB voltage reference output. Connect a 1-μF capacitor to AGNDB. |
RESETn | 23 | Digital input | Reset input; active low. Internal pulldown resistor to DGND. |
SCLK | 28 | Digital input | Serial data clock input.(4) |
SDI | 30 | Digital input | Serial data input.(4) |
SDO | 29 | Digital output | Serial data output.(2)(4) |
V0A | 2 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 0A. |
V1A | 1 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 1A. |
V2A | 48 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 2A. |
V3A | 47 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 3A. |
V4A | 46 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 4A. |
V5A | 45 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 5A. |
V6A | 44 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 6A. |
V7A | 43 | Analog input | ADC2A analog input 7A. |
Thermal Pad | Pad | — | Thermal power pad. Connect to AGND. |