SLAS600C May 2008 – December 2016 ADS8319
NAME | NO. | ||
CONVST | 6 | Input | Convert input. CONVST also functions as the CS input in 3-wire interface mode. See CS Mode for more details. |
GND | 5 | Power | Device ground. This pin is a common ground for both analog power supply (+VA) and digital I/O supply (+VBD). |
+IN | 3 | Analog Input | Noninverting analog signal input |
–IN | 4 | Analog Input | Inverting analog signal input. This input is limited to ±0.1 V and is typically grounded at the input decoupling capacitor. |
REFIN | 1 | Analog Input | Reference (positive) input. Decouple to GND with a 0.1-µF bypass capacitor and a 10-µF storage capacitor. |
SCLK | 8 | Input | Serial I/O clock input. Data (on the SDO output are synchronized with this clock. |
SDO | 7 | Output | Serial data output |
SDI | 9 | Input | Serial data input. The SDI level at the start of a conversion selects the mode of operation (such as CS or daisy-chain mode). This pin also serves as the CS input in 4-wire interface mode. See CS Mode for more details. |
+VA | 2 | Power | Analog power supply. Decouple to GND. |
+VBD | 10 | Power | Digital I/O power supply. Decouple to GND. |