4 改訂履歴
Changes from A Revision (October 2015) to B Revision
Changed 「特長」の「温度範囲」箇条書きを「産業用」から「拡張」に、「-40℃~+85℃」から「-40℃~+125℃」にGo
Changed 「概要」セクションGo
Changed 「フル・スループットでのSPIインターフェイス・クロック」表Go
Changed TA maximum specification from 85 to 125 in Absolute Maximum Ratings tableGo
Changed temperature range in conditions statement of Electrical Characteristics table from 85°C to 125°C Go
Changed temperature range from 85°C to 125°C in condition statements of all Timing Requirements tables Go
Added DAQ Circuit With FDA Input Driver and Single-Ended or Differential Input sectionGo
Changed 「関連資料」セクションGo
Changes from * Revision (October 2015) to A Revision