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ADS981x は、デュアル同時サンプリング、18 ビットの逐次比較型 (SAR) A/D コンバータ (ADC) を使用した 8 チャネルのデータ アクイジション (DAQ) システムです。ADS981x は、入力クランプ保護回路、1MΩ の入力インピーダンス、帯域幅をユーザーが選択可能なプログラマブル ゲイン アンプ (PGA) を持つ完全なアナログ フロントエンドを各チャネルに備えています。入力インピーダンスが高いため、センサや変圧器と直接接続でき、外付けのドライバ回路が必要ありません。ADS981x は、最大 ±12V の入力同相電圧でユニポーラ入力またはバイポーラ入力を受け入れるように構成できます。
このデバイスは、ADC 用の 4.096V リファレンスと、外部回路で使用するための 2.5V リファレンス出力も備えています。1.2V ~ 1.8V での動作をサポートするデジタル インターフェイスにより、ADS981x は外部電圧レベル変換なしで使用できます。
部品番号 | SPEED | 総電力 |
ADS9817 | 2MSPS / チャネル | 232 mW |
ADS9815 | 1MSPS / チャネル | 165 mW |
NAME | NO. | ||
AIN1M | 55 | AI | Analog input channel 1, negative input. |
AIN1P | 54 | AI | Analog input channel 1, positive input. |
AIN2M | 2 | AI | Analog input channel 2, negative input. |
AIN2P | 1 | AI | Analog input channel 2, positive input. |
AIN3M | 4 | AI | Analog input channel 3, negative input. |
AIN3P | 3 | AI | Analog input channel 3, positive input. |
AIN4M | 6 | AI | Analog input channel 4, negative input. |
AIN4P | 5 | AI | Analog input channel 4, positive input. |
AIN5M | 10 | AI | Analog input channel 5, negative input. |
AIN5P | 9 | AI | Analog input channel 5, positive input. |
AIN6M | 12 | AI | Analog input channel 6, negative input. |
AIN6P | 11 | AI | Analog input channel 6, positive input. |
AIN7M | 14 | AI | Analog input channel 7, negative input. |
AIN7P | 13 | AI | Analog input channel 7, positive input. |
AIN8M | 17 | AI | Analog input channel 8, negative input. |
AIN8P | 16 | AI | Analog input channel 8, positive input. |
AVDD_5V | 15, 56 | P | 5V analog supply. Connect 1µF and 0.1µF decoupling capacitors to GND. |
CS | 25 | DI | Chip-select input for SPI interface configuration; active low. This pin has an internal 100kΩ pullup resistor to IOVDD. |
D0 | 34 | DO | Serial output data lane 0. |
D1 | 35 | DO | Serial data output lane 1. |
D2 | 36 | DO | Serial data output lane 2. |
D3 | 37 | DO | Serial data output lane 3. |
DCLKOUT | 33 | DO | Clock output for data interface. |
FCLKOUT | 40 | DO | Frame synchronization output for data interface. |
GND | 7, 23, 29, 42, 46 | P | Ground. |
IOVDD | 30, 41 | P | Digital I/O supply for data interface. Connect 1µF and 0.1µF decoupling capacitor to GND. |
NC | 20, 38, 39, 50, 51 | — | Not connected. No external connection. |
PWDN | 32 | DI | Power-down control; active low. PWDN has an internal 100kΩ pullup resistor to the digital interface supply. |
REFIO | 52 | AI/AO | REFIO acts as an internal reference output when the internal reference is enabled. REFIO functions as an input pin for the external reference when the internal reference is disabled. Connect a 10µF decoupling capacitor to the REFM pins. |
REFM | 8, 18, 53 | AI | Reference ground potential. Connect to GND. |
REFOUT_2V5 | 19 | AO | 2.5V reference output. Connect a decoupling 10µF capacitor to the REFM pins. |
RESET | 31 | DI | Reset input for the device; active low. RESET has an internal 100kΩ pullup resistor to the digital interface supply. |
SCLK | 26 | DI | Serial clock input for the configuration interface. SCLK has an internal 100kΩ pulldown resistor to the digital interface ground. |
SDI | 27 | DI | SDI is a multifunction logic input; pin function is determined by
the SPI_EN pin. SDI has an internal 100kΩ pulldown resistor to
GND. SPI_EN = 0b: SDI is the logic input to select between the internal or external reference. Connect SDI to GND for the external reference. Connect SDI to IOVDD for the internal reference. SPI_EN = 1b: Serial data input for the configuration interface. |
SDO | 28 | DO | Serial data output for the configuration interface. |
SMPL_CLKP | 44 | DI | Single-ended ADC sampling clock input. SMPL_CLKP is the positive input for the differential sampling clock input to the ADC. |
SMPL_CLKM | 43 | DI | Connect SMPL_CLKM to GND for a single-ended ADC sampling clock input. SMPL_CLKM is the negative input for the differential sampling clock input to the ADC. |
SMPL_SYNC | 45 | DI | Synchronization input. See the Sample Synchronization section on how to use the SMPL_SYNC pin. |
SPI_EN | 24 | DI | Logic input to enable the SPI interface configuration (CS, SCLK, SDI, and SDO). SPI_EN has an internal 100kΩ pullup resistor to the digital interface supply. |
VDD_1V8 | 21, 22, 47, 48, 49 | P | 1.8V power-supply. Connect 1µF and 0.1µF decoupling capacitors to GND. |
Thermal pad | — | P | Exposed thermal pad; connect to GND. |
MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||
AVDD_5V to GND | –0.3 | 6 | V | |
VDD_1V8 to GND | –0.3 | 2.1 | V | |
IOVDD to GND | –0.3 | 2.1 | V | |
AINxP and AINxM to GND | –18 | 18 | V | |
REFIO to REFM | REFM – 0.3 | AVDD_5V + 0.3 | V | |
REFM to GND | GND – 0.3 | GND + 0.3 | V | |
Digital inputs to GND | GND – 0.3 | 2.1 | V | |
Input current to any pin except supply pins(2) | –10 | 10 | mA | |
Junction temperature, TJ | –40 | 150 | °C | |
Storage temperature, Tstg | –60 | 150 | °C |
VALUE | UNIT | ||||
V(ESD) | Electrostatic discharge | Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins(1) | ±2000 | V | |
Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins(2) | ±500 |
AVDD_5V | Analog power supply | AVDD_5V to GND, 5 V | 4.75 | 5 | 5.25 | V |
VDD_1V8 | Analog power supply | VDD_1V8 to GND, 1.8 V | 1.75 | 1.8 | 1.85 | V |
IOVDD | Digital interface power supply | IOVDD to GND | 1.15 | 1.8 | 1.85 | V |
VREF | Reference voltage to the ADC | External reference | 4.092 | 4.096 | 4.100 | V |
VFSR | Full-scale input range | RANGE_CHx = 0010b | –2.5 | 2.5 | V | |
RANGE_CHx = 0001b | –3.5 | 3.5 | ||||
RANGE_CHx = 0000b | –5 | 5 | ||||
RANGE_CHx = 0011b | –7 | 7 | ||||
RANGE_CHx = 0100b | –10 | 10 | ||||
RANGE_CHx = 0101b | –12 | 12 | ||||
AINxP | Operating input voltage, positive input |
–17 | 17 | V | ||
AINxM | Operating input voltage, negative input |
–17 | 17 | V | ||
TA | Ambient temperature | –40 | 25 | 125 | °C |
RSH (VQFN) | |||
56 PINS | |||
RθJA | Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance | 23.2 | °C/W |
RθJC(top) | Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance | 10.5 | °C/W |
RθJB | Junction-to-board thermal resistance | 6.1 | °C/W |
ΨJT | Junction-to-top characterization parameter | 0.1 | °C/W |
ΨJB | Junction-to-board characterization parameter | 6.0 | °C/W |
RθJC(bot) | Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance | 0.9 | °C/W |
RIN | Input impedance | All input ranges | 0.85 | 1 | 1.15 | MΩ |
Input impedance thermal drift | All input ranges | 10 | 25 | ppm/°C | ||
Input capacitance | 10 | pF | ||||
BW(-3 dB) | Analog input LPF bandwidth –3 dB |
All input ranges, low-bandwidth filter | 21 | kHz | ||
RANGE = ±2.5V, wide-bandwidth filter | 182 | |||||
RANGE = ±3.5V, wide-bandwidth filter | 240 | |||||
RANGE = ±5V, wide-bandwidth filter | 320 | |||||
RANGE = ±7V, wide-bandwidth filter | 400 | |||||
RANGE = ±10V, wide-bandwidth filter | 385 | |||||
RANGE = ±12V, wide-bandwidth filter | 375 | |||||
Resolution | No missing codes | 18 | Bits | |||
DNL | Differential nonlinearity(3) | All ranges, wide-CM enabled and disabled | –0.99 | ±0.5 | 0.99 | LSB |
INL | Integral nonlinearity | All ranges, wide-CM enabled and disabled, TA = 0℃ to 70℃ |
–4 | ±0.8 | 4 | LSB |
All ranges, wide-CM enabled and disabled, TA = –40℃ to 125℃ |
–4.5 | ±0.8 | 4.5 | LSB | ||
Offset error(2)(5) | RANGE = ±2.5V | –175 | ±90 | 175 | LSB | |
RANGE = ±2.5V, wide-CM enabled | ±120 | |||||
RANGE = ±3.5V | –100 | ±60 | 100 | |||
RANGE = ±3.5V, wide-CM enabled | ±80 | |||||
RANGE = ±5V | –50 | ±10 | 50 | |||
RANGE = ±5V, wide-CM enabled | ±60 | |||||
RANGE = ±7V | –100 | ±35 | 100 | |||
RANGE = ±10V | –50 | ±10 | 50 | |||
RANGE = ±12V | –75 | ±15 | 75 | |||
Offset error thermal drift(2)(4) | All ranges, wide-CM enabled and disabled | 0.5 | 1.5 | ppm/°C | ||
Gain error(2)(5) | RANGE = ±2.5V, ±3.5V, and ±5V | –0.05 | ±0.02 | 0.05 | %FSR | |
RANGE = ±2.5V, ±3.5V, and ±5V, wide-CM enabled |
±0.04 | |||||
RANGE = ±7V, ±10V, ±12V | –0.05 | ±0.02 | 0.05 | |||
Gain error thermal drift(2)(4) | Wide-CM enabled and disabled, all ranges | 0.7 | 3 | ppm/°C | ||
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio, low-noise filter |
RANGE = ±2.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 86.7 | 89.5 | dBFS | |
RANGE = ±3.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 87.8 | 90.5 | ||||
RANGE = ±5V, fIN = 2kHz | 88.5 | 91.4 | ||||
RANGE = ±7V, fIN = 2kHz | 89.3 | 91.3 | ||||
RANGE = ±10V, fIN = 2kHz | 89.9 | 91.8 | ||||
RANGE = ±12V, fIN = 2kHz | 90 | 92 | ||||
Signal-to-noise ratio, wide-bandwidth filter |
RANGE = ±2.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 79 | 82.5 | |||
RANGE = ±3.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 80 | 83.5 | ||||
RANGE = ±5V, fIN = 2kHz | 80.5 | 84.5 | ||||
RANGE = ±7V, fIN = 2kHz | 81.5 | 83.5 | ||||
RANGE = ±10V, fIN = 2kHz | 83 | 85 | ||||
RANGE = ±12V, fIN = 2kHz | 83.5 | 85.5 | ||||
SINAD | Signal-to-noise + distortion ratio, low-noise filter |
RANGE = ±2.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 85.7 | 88.9 | dB | |
RANGE = ±3.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 86.7 | 89.9 | ||||
RANGE = ±5V, fIN = 2kHz | 87.3 | 90.7 | ||||
RANGE = ±7V, fIN = 2kHz | 88.0 | 90.6 | ||||
RANGE = ±10V, fIN = 2kHz | 88.5 | 91.1 | ||||
RANGE = ±12V, fIN = 2kHz | 88.6 | 91.3 | ||||
Signal-to-noise + distortion ratio, wide-bandwidth filter |
RANGE = ±2.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 78.6 | 82.2 | |||
RANGE = ±3.5V, fIN = 2kHz | 79.5 | 83.2 | ||||
RANGE = ±5V, fIN = 2kHz | 80.0 | 84.2 | ||||
RANGE = ±7V, fIN = 2kHz | 80.9 | 83.2 | ||||
RANGE = ±10V, fIN = 2kHz | 82.3 | 84.7 | ||||
RANGE = ±12V, fIN = 2kHz | 82.8 | 85.1 | ||||
THD | Total harmonic distortion | All ranges, low-noise filter, fIN = 2kHz | –113 | dB | ||
All ranges, wide-bandwidth filter, fIN = 2kHz | –113 | |||||
SFDR | Spurious-free dynamic range | All ranges, fIN = 2kHz | 113 | dB | ||
CMRR | at dc | –70 | dB | |||
Isolation crosstalk | at dc | –100 | dB | |||
VREF(1) | Voltage on REFIO pin (configured as output) | 1µF capacitor on REFIO pin, TA = 25°C | 4.092 | 4.096 | 4.1 | V |
Reference temperature drift(4) | 10 | 25 | ppm/°C | |||
VIL | Input low logic level | –0.3 | 0.3 IOVDD | V | ||
VIH | Input high logic level | 0.7 IOVDD | IOVDD | V | ||
Input current | 0.1 | µA | ||||
Input capacitance | 6 | pF | ||||
VTH | High-level input voltage | AC coupled | 100 | mV | ||
DC coupled | 300 | |||||
VTL | Low-level input voltage | AC coupled | –100 | mV | ||
DC coupled | –300 | |||||
VICM | Input common-mode voltage | 0.3 | 1.2 | 1.4 | V | |
VOL | Output low logic level | IOL = 500µA sink | 0 | 0.2 IOVDD | V | |
VOH | Output high logic level | IOH = 500µA source | 0.8 IOVDD | IOVDD | V | |
POWER SUPPLY - ADS9817 | ||||||
Total power dissipation | Maximum throughput | 232 | 304 | mW | ||
IAVDD_5V | Supply current from AVDD_5V | Maximum throughput, internal reference | 26 | 32 | mA | |
Power-down | 0.2 | 2 | ||||
IVDD_1V8 | Supply current from VDD_1V8 | Maximum throughput, internal reference | 50 | 70 | mA | |
Power-down | 0.2 | 8 | ||||
IIOVDD | Supply current from IOVDD | Maximum throughput | 7 | 10 | mA | |
Power-down | 0.1 | 3 | ||||
POWER SUPPLY - ADS9815 | ||||||
Total power dissipation | Maximum throughput | 165 | 215 | mW | ||
IAVDD_5V | Supply current from AVDD_5V | Maximum throughput, internal reference | 19 | 25 | mA | |
Power-down | 0.2 | 2 | ||||
IVDD_1V8 | Supply current from VDD_1V8 | Maximum throughput, internal reference | 35 | 43 | mA | |
Power-down | 0.2 | 8 | ||||
IIOVDD | Supply current from IOVDD | Maximum throughput | 4 | 7 | mA | |
Power-down | 0.1 | 3 |
MIN | MAX | UNIT | |||
fSMPL_CLK | Sampling frequency | ADS9817 | 3.9 | 8.1 | MHz |
fSMPL_CLK | Sampling frequency | ADS9815 | 3.9 | 4.1 | MHz |
tSMPL_CLK | Sampling time interval | 1 / fSMPL_CLK | ns | ||
tPL_SMPL_CLK | SMPL_CLK low time | 0.45 tSMPL_CLK | 0.55 tSMPL_CLK | ns | |
tPH_SMPL_CLK | SMPL_CLK high time | 0.45 tSMPL_CLK | 0.55 tSMPL_CLK | ns | |
fSCLK | Maximum SCLK frequency | 20 | MHz | ||
tPH_CK | SCLK high time | 0.48 | 0.52 | tCLK | |
tPL_CK | SCLK low time | 0.48 | 0.52 | tCLK | |
thi_CS | Pulse duration: CS high | 220 | ns | ||
td_CSCK | Delay time: CS falling to the first SCLK capture edge | 20 | ns | ||
tsu_CKDI | Setup time: SDI data valid to the SCLK rising edge | 10 | ns | ||
tht_CKDI | Hold time: SCLK rising edge to data valid on SDI | 5 | ns | ||
tD_CKCS | Delay time: last SCLK falling to CS rising | 5 | ns | ||
tsu_SS | Setup time: SMPL_SYNC rising edge to SMPL_CLK falling edge | 10 | ns | ||
tht_SS | Hold time: SMPL_CLK falling edge to SMPL_SYNC high | 10 | ns |
RESET | |||||
tPU | Power-up time for device | 25 | ms | ||
tden_CKDO | Delay time: 8th SCLK rising edge to data enable | 22 | ns | ||
tdz_CKDO | Delay time: 24th SCLK rising edge to SDO going Hi-Z | 50 | ns | ||
td_CKDO | Delay time: SCLK falling edge to corresponding data valid on SDO | 16 | ns | ||
tht_CKDO | Delay time: SCLK falling edge to previous data valid on SDO | 2 | ns | ||
tDCLK | Data clock output | DDR mode | 10 | ns | |
SDR mode | 20 | ||||
Clock duty cycle | 45 | 55 | % | ||
toff_DCLKDO_r | Time offset: DCLK rising to corresponding data valid | DDR mode | tDCLK / 4 – 1.5 | tDCLK / 4 + 1.5 | ns |
toff_DCLKDO_f | Time offset: DCLK falling to corresponding data valid | DDR mode | tDCLK / 4 – 1.5 | tDCLK / 4 + 1.5 | ns |
td_DCLKDO | Time delay: DCLK rising to corresponding data valid | SDR mode | –1 | 1 | ns |
td_SYNC_FCLK | Time delay: SMPL_CLK falling edge with SYNC signal to corresponding FCLKOUT rising edge | 3 | 4 | tSMPL_CLK |
SNR = 91.5dBFS, THD = –113dB at fIN = 2kHz |
SNR = 92.1dBFS, THD = –113dB at fIN = 2kHz |
Typical bandwidth (–3dB) = 21.2kHz |
Mean = 131073.8LSB, standard deviation = 2.45LSB, number of hits = 4096 |
Mean = 131074.4LSB, standard deviation = 5.47LSB, number of hits = 4096 |
SNR = 84.5dBFS, THD = –113dB at fIN = 2kHz |
SNR = 85.5dBFS, THD = –113dB at fIN = 2kHz |
Mean = 131103.5LSB, standard deviation = 2.49LSB, number of hits = 4096 |
Mean = 131102.3LSB, standard deviation = 5.68LSB, number of hits = 4096 |
The ADS981x is an 18-bit data acquisition (DAQ) system with eight-channel analog inputs that can be configured as either single-ended or differential. Each analog input channel consists of an input clamp protection circuit, and a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) with user-selectable bandwidth options. The input signals are digitized using an 18-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), based on the successive approximation register (SAR) architecture. This overall system can achieve a maximum throughput of 2 MSPS/channel for all channels. The device features a 4.096V internal reference with a fast-settling buffer.
The device operates from 5V and 1.8V analog supplies and can accommodate true bipolar input signals. The input clamp protection circuitry can tolerate voltages up to ±18V. The device offers a constant 1MΩ resistive input impedance irrespective of the sampling frequency or the selected input range. The ADS981x offers a simplified end solution without requiring external high-voltage bipolar supplies and complicated driver circuits.