In UART break mode (UBM), the
microcontroller issues a UART break to start communication. The device interprets
the UART break as the start to receive commands from the UART. A communication UART
character consists of one start bit, eight data bits, one odd parity bit, and at
least one stop bit. A UART break character is all 11 bits (including start, data,
parity and stop bit) held low by the microcontroller on the UARTIN pin and by the
AFEx8201 on the UARTOUT pin. When a valid break
character is detected on UARTIN by the AFEx8201 , no
parity (even though parity is odd) or stop bit errors are flagged for this
character. The parity and stop bit differences between valid UBM break and
communication characters must be managed by the system microcontroller when
receiving these characters from the UARTOUT pin of the AFEx8201 . See Figure 5-2 for UBM break character, communication timing details, and bit order.
AFEx8201 UART break mode communication is supported at
9600 baud.
Set UBM.REG_MODE = 1 to enable
register map access through the UART. By default, this bit is set to 0. The entire
register map can only be accessed with SPI, except for the UBM register. The UBM
register can only be accessed with UBM. After UBM.REG_MODE is set to 1, the SPI does
not have access to the register map, and the full register map is accessible by
A UBM data output packet is initiated
by AFEx8201 on UARTOUT in two cases. See Figure 6-23 for packet structure details. If the R/IRQn status bit is 0 an IRQ event
initiated the break command. If the R/IRQn status bit is 1, the break command is a
response to the prior read request.
To enable IRQ events, set
CONFIG.UBM_IRQ_EN = 1. When IRQ is enabled, the AFEx8201 triggers a break command followed by data on UARTOUT (see Figure 6-23 ).
The contents of the data are listed in order of priority below.
If ALARM_IRQ bit is set, then the
contents of the ALARM_STATUS register are output.
If GEN_IRQ is set, then the
contents of the GEN_STATUS register are output.
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