JAJSQ55A april 2023 – june 2023 AFE7901
NC | A15, A16, Y15, Y16 | I | Do not connect. |
1RXIN– | A11 | I | Receiver Channel 1 RF input: negative terminal. Unused RX inputs can be left open. |
1RXIN+ | A12 | I | Receiver Channel 1 RF input: positive terminal. Unused RX inputs can be left open. |
2RXIN– | A8 | I | Receiver Channel 2 RF input: negative terminal. Unused RX inputs can be left open. |
2RXIN+ | A7 | I | Receiver Channel 2 RF input: positive terminal. Unused RX inputs can be left open. |
3RXIN– | Y11 | I | Receiver Channel 3 RF input: negative terminal. |
3RXIN+ | Y12 | I | Receiver Channel 3 RF input: positive terminal. Unused RX inputs can be left open. |
4RXIN– | Y8 | I | Receiver Channel 4 RF input: negative terminal. Unused RX inputs can be left open. |
4RXIN+ | Y7 | I | Receiver Channel 4 RF input: positive terminal. Unused RX inputs can be left open. |
1TXOUT– | F20 | O | Transmitter Channel 1 RF output: negative terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
1TXOUT+ | G20 | O | Transmitter Channel 1 RF output: positive terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
2TXOUT– | C20 | O | Transmitter Channel 2 RF output: negative terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
2TXOUT+ | B20 | O | Transmitter Channel 2 RF output: positive terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
3TXOUT– | R20 | O | Transmitter Channel 3 RF output: negative terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
3TXOUT+ | P20 | O | Transmitter Channel 3 RF output: positive terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
4TXOUT– | V20 | O | Transmitter Channel 4 RF output: negative terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
4TXOUT+ | W20 | O | Transmitter Channel 4 RF output: positive terminal. Connect to 1.8 V when not used. |
REFCLK– | L17 | I | Reference Clock Inputs: negative terminal |
REFCLK+ | K17 | I | Reference Clock Inputs: positive terminal |
SYSREF– | L19 | I | SYSREEF inputs: negative terminals |
SYSREF+ | K19 | I | SYSREEF inputs: positive terminals |
1SRX– | A2 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 1 input: negative terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
1SRX+ | A3 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 1 input: positive terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
2SRX– | C1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 2 input: negative terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
2SRX+ | B1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 2 input: positive terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
3SRX– | F1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 3 input: negative terminal |
3SRX+ | E1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 3 input: positive terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
4SRX– | J1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 4 input: negative terminal |
4SRX+ | H1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 4 input: positive terminal |
5SRX– | M1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 5 input: negative terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
5SRX+ | N1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 5 input: positive terminal |
6SRX– | R1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 6 input: negative terminal |
6SRX+ | T1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 6 input: positive terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
7SRX– | V1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 7 input: negative terminal |
7SRX+ | W1 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 7 input: positive terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
8SRX– | Y2 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 8 input: negative terminal |
8SRX+ | Y3 | I | CML SerDes Interface Lane 8 input: positive terminal. Unused Serdes inputs can be left open. |
1STX– | C3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 1 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
1STX+ | C4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 1 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
2STX– | E3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 2 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
2STX+ | E4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 2 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
3STX– | G4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 3 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
3STX+ | G3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 3 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
4STX– | J4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 4 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
4STX+ | J3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 4 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
5STX– | M4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 5 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
5STX+ | M3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 5 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
6STX– | P4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 6 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
6STX+ | P3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 6 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
7STX– | T3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 7 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
7STX+ | T4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 7 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
8STX– | V3 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 8 output: negative terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
8STX+ | V4 | O | CML SerDes Interface Lane 8 output: positive terminal. Unused Serdes outputs can be left open. |
GBL_0_GPIO13 | V6 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBL_1_FBTDD2 | R6 | I/O | Default location of FB TDD2 input signal. |
GBL_2_FSPICLKC | U5 | I/O | Default and recommended location of FSPI C clock (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBL_3_GPIO14 | R5 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBL_4_RXDLNB | T5 | I/O | Default location of RX channel D AGC LNA Bypass output signal. |
GBL_5_GPIO15 | N10 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBL_6_GPIO16 | P10 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBL_7_SYNCB_OUT1+ | N9 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 1 output differential positive terminal. |
GBL_8_SYNCB_IN1+ | N8 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 1 input differential positive terminal. |
GBL_9_SYNCB_OUT1– | P9 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 1 output differential negative terminal. |
GBL_10_GPIO17 | T8 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBL_11_GPIO18 | T7 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBL_12_FSPICLKD | P7 | I/O | Default and recommended location of FSPI D clock (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBL_13_GPIO19 | P8 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBL_14_FSPIDD | R7 | I/O | Default and recommended location of FSPI D data (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBL_15_FSPIDC | P6 | I/O | Default and recommended location of FSPI C clock (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBL_16_RXCLNB | T6 | I/O | Default location of RX channel C AGC LNA Bypass output signal. |
GBL_17_SYNCB_IN1– | N7 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 1 input differential negative terminal. |
GBL_18_TXTDD2 | V5 | I/O | Default location of TX TDD2 input signal. |
GBL_19_GPIO20 | U6 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_0_GPIO4 | C6 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_1_GPIO5 | F6 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_2_RXALNB | D5 | I/O | Default location of RX channel A AGC LNA Bypass output signal. |
GBR_3_FSPICLKB | F5 | I/O | Default and recommended location of FSPI B clock (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBR_4_GPIO6 | E5 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_5_FSPIDB | H10 | I/O | Default and recommended location of FSPI B data (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBR_6_RXBLNB | G10 | I/O | Default location of RX channel B AGC LNA Bypass output signal. |
GBR_7_SYNCB_OUT0+ | H9 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 0 output differential positive terminal. |
GBR_8_SYNCB_IN0+ | H8 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 0 input differential positive terminal. |
GBR_9_SYNCB_OUT0– | G9 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 0 output differential negative terminal. |
GBR_10_FSPICLKA | E8 | I/O | Default location of FSPI A clock (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBR_11_RXTDD1 | E7 | I/O | Default location of RX TDD1 input signal. |
GBR_12_GPIO7 | G7 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_13_GPIO8 | G8 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_14_FSPIDA | F7 | I/O | Default and recommended location of FSPI A clock (FSPI for factory use only, available as generic GPIO). |
GBR_15_GPIO9 | G6 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_16_GPIO10 | E6 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_17_SYNCB_IN0– | H7 | I/O | Default location of JESD Sync\ 0 input differential negative terminal. |
GBR_18_GPIO11 | C5 | I/O | GPIO. |
GBR_19_GPIO12 | D6 | I/O | GPIO. |
GTL_0_GPIO2 | N13 | I/O | GPIO. |
GTL_1_SLEEP | P14 | I/O | Default location of Sleep input signal. |
GTL_2_ALARM2 | N15 | I/O | Default location of Alarm 2 output signal. |
GTL_3_AUX0 | M15 | I/O | GPIO or auxiliary low-speed ADC input 0 |
GTL_4_SPIACLK | P15 | I/O | Fixed Location of SPI A Clock. |
GTL_5_SPIASEN | R14 | I/O | Fixed Location of SPI A Send Enable. |
GTL_6_RXTDD2 | R15 | I/O | Default location of RX TDD2 input signal. |
GTL_7_ALARM1 | N16 | I/O | Default location of Alarm 1 output signal. |
GTL_8_AUX1 | L14 | I/O | GPIO or auxiliary low-speed ADC input 1. |
GTL_9_AUX2 | M14 | I/O | GPIO or auxiliary low-speed ADC input 2. |
GTL_10_BIST0 | P11 | I/O | Fixed Location for BIST0 Function. Set low when using JTAG, set high for normal operation. |
GTL_11_AUX3 | P13 | I/O | GPIO or auxiliary low-speed ADC input 3. |
GTL_12_BIST1 | P12 | I/O | Fixed Location for BIST1 Function. Set high when using JTAG, set low for normal operation. |
GTL_13_AUX4 | N12 | I/O | GPIO or auxiliary low-speed ADC input 4. |
GTL_14_AUX5 | N11 | I/O | GPIO or auxiliary low-speed ADC input 5. |
GTL_15_GPIO3 | P16 | I/O | GPIO. |
GTL_17_SPIASDIO | N14 | I/O | Fixed Location of SPI A Serial Data Input (3- and 4-wire mode) or Output (3 wire mode only). |
GTL_18_SPIASDO | R16 | I/O | Fixed Location of SPI A Serial Data Output in 4-wire mode. |
GTR_0_RXGSWAP | G13 | I/O | Default location of RX gain swap input. |
GTR_1_GPIO1 | H12 | I/O | GPIO. |
GTR_2_SPIB2CLK | J14 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B2 clock. |
GTR_3_TXTDD1 | H15 | I/O | Default location of TX TDD1 input signal. |
GTR_4_TCLK | H14 | I/O | Fixed location for JTAG Test Clock. |
GTR_5_TDO | F14 | I/O | Fixed location for JTAG Test Data Out. |
GTR_6_SPIB2_SDIO | H13 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B2 serial data input/output. |
GTR_7_SPIB2SEN | F16 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B2 enable input. |
GTR_8_FBTDD1 | K14 | I/O | Default location of FB TDD1 input signal. |
GTR_9_SPIB2SDO | J15 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B2 serial data output (4-wire mode) |
GTR_10_TMS | G11 | I/O | Fixed location for JTAG Test Mode Select. |
GTR_11_SPIB1_SDO | G12 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B1 serial data output (4-wire mode). |
GTR_12_SPIB_SDIO | H11 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B1 serial data input/output. |
GTR_13_TRST | G15 | I/O | Fixed location for JTAG Test Reset. Must be pulled low when the JTAG port is not used. |
GTR_14_SPIB1SEN | H16 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B1 enable input. |
GTR_15_RESETZ | F15 | I/O | Fixed Location for reset function. Chip Reset to default register settings. |
GTR_17_SPIB1CLK | G16 | I/O | Default and recommended location of SPI B1 clock. |
GTR_18_TDI | G14 | I/O | Fixed location for JTAG Test Data Input. |
DVDD | K2, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9, K10, K11, K12, K13, L2, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10, L11, L12, L13 | — | 0.9-V digital power supply |
VDD1P2FB | D14, D15, D16, E15, U14, U15, U16, T15 | — | 1.2-V supply for FB ADCs. |
VDD1P8FB | C15, C16, V15, V16 | — | 1.8-V supply for FB ADC. |
VDD1P8FBCLK | A14, A17, Y17, Y14 | — | 1.8-V supply for FB ADC clock. |
VDD1P2PLLCLKREF | K20, K18, L18 | — | 1.2-V supply for PLL. |
VDDPLL1P2FBCML | L15 | — | 1.2-V supply for PLL clock distribution to FB ADC. |
VDDPLL1P2RXCML | K15 | — | 1.2-V supply for clock distribution to RX ADC. |
VDD1P8PLL | K16, L16 | — | 1.8-V supply for PLL. |
VDD1P8PLLVCO | L20 | — | 1.8-V supply for PLL/VCO. This is a sensitive net and requires extra care in layout. |
VDD1P2RX | A10, A13, E11, E12, E13, E14,F11, F12, F13, R11, R12, R13, T11, T12, T13, T14, Y10, Y13 | — | 1.2-V supply for RX ADCs. |
VDD1P8RX | C9, C10, C11, D9, D10, D11, E9, E10, F8, F9, F10, R8, R9, R10, T9, T10, U9, U10, U11, V9, V10, V11 | — | 1.8-V supply for RX ADCs. |
VDD1P8RXCLK | A6, A9, Y6, Y9 | — | 1.8-V supply for RX ADC clocks. |
VDD1P2TXENC | D17, U17 | — | 1.2-V supply for DAC encoder. |
VDD1P2TXCLK | A20, D20, U20, Y20 | — | 1.2-V supply for DAC clock. |
VDD1P8TX | E20, H20, N20, T20 | — | 1.8-V supply for DAC. |
VDD1P8TXDAC | G17, H17, N17, P17 | — | 1.8-V supply for DAC. |
VDD1P8GPIO | H6, N6 | — | 1.8-V supply for GPIO. |
VDDA1P8 | F3, F4, H3, H4, R3, R4, N3, N4 | — | SerDes analog 1.8-V power supply. |
VDDT0P9 | D3, D4, U3, U4 | — | SerDes digital 0.9-V power supply. |
DGND | J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12 | — | Digital core ground |
VSSGPIO | H5, N5 | — | GPIO ground. |
VSSFB | B14, B15, B16, B17, C14, V14, W14, W15, W16, W17 | — | Ground for FB ADC supply. |
VSSFBCLK | A18, B18, W18, Y18 | — | Ground for FB ADC 1.8-V clock supply. |
GND_ESD | D7, D8, J13, M13, U7, U8 | — | Ground for ESD protection circuits. |
VSSRX | B7, B8, B10, B11, B12, C12, D12, B13, C13, D13, W7, W8, W10, W11, W13, U12, V12, W12, U13, V13 | — | Ground for RX ADC. |
VSSRXCLK | A5, B5, B6, B9, C7, C8, W5, W6, W9, Y5, V7, V8 | — | Ground for RX ADC clocks. |
VSSTX | B19, C17, C18, C19, D18, E18, E19, F17, F18, F19, G18, G19, H18, H19, J20, M20, N18, N19, P18, P19, R17, R18, R19, T18, T19, U18, V17, V18, V19, W19 | — | Ground for TX DAC. |
VSSTXENC | E16, E17, T16, T17 | — | Ground for TX DAC encoder. |
VSSTXCLK | A19, D19, U19, Y19 | — | Ground for TX DAC clock. |
VSSPLL | M19 | — | Ground for PLL. |
VSSPLLFBCML | J16, M16 | — | Ground for FB ADC clock. |
VSSPLLCLKREF | J18, M18 | — | Ground for CLKREF PLL. |
VSSPLLRXCML | J17, M17 | — | Ground for RX ADC clock. |
VSST | A1, A4, B2, B3, B4, C2, D1, D2, E2, F2, G1, G2, H2, J2, K1, K4, L1, L4, M2, N2, P1, P2, R2, T2, U1, U2, V2, W2, W3, W4, Y1, Y4 | — | SerDes ground. |
OTHERS | |||
IFORCE | G5 | — | Reserved for TI use only. Do not connect. |
PLL_LDOUT | J19 | — | Connect with 100-nF capacitor to GND |
SerDes_AMUX1 | K3 | — | Analog test pin for SerDes lane 1-4, can be left floating |
SerDes_AMUX2 | L3 | — | Analog test pin for SerDes lane 5-8, can be left floating |
VSENSE | P5 | — | Process test: sense voltage (TI use only). Do not connect. |