256KB of On-Chip RAM with SECDED ECC in SMS Subsystem
176KB of On-Chip RAM with SECDED ECC in SMS Subsystem for TI security firmware
Flash and Memory Interfaces:
2 × Flash Sub Systems (FSS) that
support Octal Serial Peripheral Interface (OSPI) at up to 166MHz SDR and 166MHz
DDR at 1.8V and 3.3V with full XIP (eXecute In Place) which can be used for
1x FSS supporting OSPI
OptiFlash memory technology, Firmware Over-The-Air upgrades (FOTA), and
On The Fly Advanced Encryption Standard (OTFA)
1x FSS supporting OSPI or
RAM expansion
1 × 8-bit Multi-Media Card/Secure Digital (eMMC/SD) interface
General Connectivity:
5 × Multichannel Audio Serial Ports (McASP)
Transmit and Receive Clocks up to 50MHz
Up to 26 Serial Data Pins across 5x McASP with Independent TX and RX Clocks
Supports Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Inter-IC Sound (I2S) and Similar Formats
Supports Digital Audio Interface Transmission (SPDIF, IEC60958-1, and AES-3 Formats)
FIFO Buffers for Transmit and Receive (256 Bytes)
Support for audio reference output clock
8 × Universal Asynchronous RX-TX (UART) modules
5 × Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controllers
8 × Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) ports
5 × Modular Controller Area Network (MCAN) modules with CAN-FD support