6.3 Documentation Support
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The current documentation that describes the processor, related peripherals, and other technical collateral is listed below.
Application Reports
High-Speed Interface Layout GuidelinesAs modern bus interface frequencies scale higher, care must be taken in the printed circuit board (PCB) layout phase of a design to ensure a robust solution.
User's Guides
AM437x Sitara Processors Technical Reference ManualCollection of documents providing detailed information on the device including power, reset, and clock control, interrupts, memory map, and switch fabric interconnect. Detailed information on the microprocessor unit (MPU) subsystem as well as a functional description of the peripherals supported is also included.
Discrete Power Solution for AM437xDetails the implementation of a BOM-optimized discrete power solution for the AM437x processor with a minimal number of discrete ICs and basic feature set. The solution represents a baseline for a discrete power solution that can be extended for additional features of the AM437x processor.
Powering the AM335x/AM437x with TPS65218A reference for connectivity between the TPS65218 power management IC and the AM335x or AM437x processor.
AM437x GP EVM Hardware User's GuideDescribes the hardware architecture of the AM437x Evaluation Module (EVM) (part number TMDXEVM437X), which is based on the Texas Instruments (TI) AM437x processor. This EVM is also commonly known as the AM437x General Purpose (GP) EVM.
White Papers
Highly Integrated industrial Drive to Connect, Control and CommunicateDiscusses the overall drive architecture with emphasis on the highly integrated industrial drive solution by Texas Instruments.
Ensuring Real-Time PredictabilityHigh-performance processors like ARM Cortex-A cores have an entirely different set of resources and pro- cessing capabilities than those of real-time processing cores, like the Programmable Real-Time Unit (PRU) coprocessor in TI’s Sitara processors.
Mainline Linux Ensures Stability and Innovation Enabling and empowering the rapid development of new functionality starts at the foundational level of the system’s software environment – that is, at the level of the Linux kernel – and builds upward from there.
Scalable Solutions for HMIA well designed HMI system decreases that gap between the production process and operator through an intuitive visualization system, layers of detail to allow for a bird’s eye view down to the minute details, as well as training material and documentation at the operators’ fingertips.
Linaro Speeds Development in TI Linux SDKsLinaro’s software is not a Linux distribution; in fact, it is distribution neutral. The focus of the organization’s 120 engineers is on optimizing base-level open-source software in areas that interact directly with the silicon such as multimedia, graphics, power management, the Linux kernel and booting processes.
Getting Started on TI ARM Embedded Processor DevelopmentBeginning with an overview of ARM technology and available processor platforms, this paper will then explore the fundamentals of embedded design that influence a system’s architecture and, consequently, impact processor selection.
The Yocto Project: Changing the Way Embedded Linux Software Solutions are DevelopedEnabling complex silicon devices such as SoC with operating firmware and application software can be a challenge for equipment manufacturers who often are more comfortable with hardware than software issues.
Other Documents
Sitara AM437x Processor With ARM Cortex-A9 CoreTI continues to optimize and expand its portfolio of Sitara processor solutions for the embedded market. With the Sitara AM437x processors support for the ARM Cortex-A9 core, extending performance by up to 40 percent over the current Sitara AM335x processor line.
Sitara ProcessorsUsing the ARM Cortex-A series of cores, are optimized system solutions that go beyond the core, delivering products that support rich graphics capabilities, LCD displays and multiple industrial protocols.
AM437x Evaluation Module Quick Start GuideDesigned to help you through the initial setup of the EVM. This EVM allows you to experience Linux and other operating systems (OSs) that showcase the AM437x Cortex-A9 processor, 3D graphics and more.
The following documents are related to the processor. Copies of these documents can be obtained directly from the internet or from your Texas Instruments representative. To determine the revision of the Cortex-A9 core used on your device, see the device-specific errata.
Cortex-A9 Technical Reference ManualTechnical reference manual for the Cortex-A9 processor.
ARM Core Cortex-A9 (AT400/AT401) Errata NoticeProvides a list of advisories for the different revisions of the Cortex-A9 processor. For a copy of this document, contact your TI representative.