SPRS982H December 2016 – December 2019 AM5746 , AM5748 , AM5749
The following products support development for AM574x platforms:
Design Kits and Evaluation Modules
AM574x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Key Document AM574x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) Evaluation Module (EVM) (PDF 1688 KB) 07 Mar 2018 View All Technical Documents (9) Description The AM574x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) is a development platform for evaluating the industrial communication and control capabilities of Sitara AM574x/2x processors for applications in factory automation, drives, robotics, grid infrastructure, and more. AM574x/2x processors include dual PRU-ICSS (Programmable Real-time Unit for Industrial Communications) sub-systems which can be used for industrial Ethernet protocols such as Profinet, EtherCAT, Ethernet/IP, and others. The TMDXIDK574 breaks out six ports of Ethernet, four of which can be used concurrently: 2x Gb Ethernet ports and 2x 10/100 Ethernet ports from the PRU-ICSS subsystems.
Development tools
Clock Tree Tool for Sitara, Automotive, Vision Analytics, and Digital Signal Processors The Clock Tree Tool (CTT) for Sitara™ Arm®, Automotive, and Digital Signal Processors is an interactive clock tree configuration software that provides information about the clocks and modules in these TI devices. It allows the user to:
Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment Code Composer Studio (CCS) Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a development environment that supports TI's Microcontroller and Embedded Processors portfolio. Code Composer Studio comprises a suite of tools used to develop and debug embedded applications. It includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler, source code editor, project build environment, debugger, profiler, and many other features. The intuitive IDE provides a single user interface taking you through each step of the application development flow. Familiar tools and interfaces allow users to get started faster than ever before. Code Composer Studio combines the advantages of the Eclipse software framework with advanced embedded debug capabilities from TI resulting in a compelling feature-rich development environment for embedded developers.
Pin mux tool The Pin MUX Utility is a software tool which provides a Graphical User Interface for configuring pin multiplexing settings, resolving conflicts and specifying I/O cell characteristics for TI MPUs. Results are output as C header/code files that can be imported into software development kits (SDKs) or used to configure customer's custom software. Version 4 of the Pin Mux utility adds the capability of automatically selecting a mux configuration that satisfies the entered requirements.
Power Estimation Tool (PET) Power Estimation Tool (PET) provides users the ability to gain insight in to the power consumption of select TI processors. The tool includes the ability for the user to choose multiple application scenarios and understand the power consumption as well as how advanced power saving techniques can be applied to further reduce overall power consumption.
AM574x BSDL Model BSDL Model
AM574x IBIS Model IBIS Model
AM574x Thermal Model Thermal Model
AM57x SerDes IBIS-AMI Models IBIS-AMI Model
For a complete listing of development-support tools for the processor platform, visit the Texas Instruments website at ti.com. For information on pricing and availability, contact the nearest TI field sales office or authorized distributor.