JAJSSP9 December 2024 AMC0311S
The AMC0x11S provides a single-ended analog output voltage proportional to the input voltage. The output is referred to GND2 and is galvanically isolated from the input of the device. The output is designed to connect directly to the input of an ADC.
The output buffer requires a minimum headroom of 250mV for linear operation. Therefore, with REFIN shorted to GND2, the device shows non-linear behavior for input voltages near 0V. To extend the linear input range to 0V, connect a reference voltage to the REFIN pin that is ≥250mV. The voltage applied to the REFIN pin is added to the output voltage as an offset and provides headroom for the output buffer. The output voltage of the AMC0x11S is equal to:
Connect the REFIN pin to GND2 if no offset is required. Figure 7-2 shows the input-to-output transfer characteristic of the device.