The bq2510x series of devices are highly integrated Li-Ion and Li-Pol linear chargers targeted at space-limited portable applications. The high input voltage range with input overvoltage protection supports low-cost unregulated adapters.
The bq2510x has a single power output that charges the battery. A system load can be placed in parallel with the battery as long as the average system load does not keep the battery from charging fully during the 10 hour safety timer.
The battery is charged in three phases: conditioning, constant current and constant voltage. In all charge phases, an internal control loop monitors the IC junction temperature and reduces the charge current if an internal temperature threshold is exceeded.
The charger power stage and charge current sense functions are fully integrated. The charger function has high accuracy current and voltage regulation loops and charge termination. The pre-charge current and termination current threshold are programmed via an external resistor on the bq2510x. The fast charge current value is also programmable via an external resistor.
bq25100 | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25101 | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25100A | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25100H | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25101H | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25100L(2) | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
Changes from B Revision (October 2014) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (September 2014) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (August 2014) to A Revision
bq25100 | 4.20 V | 6.5 V | PreTerm | TS (JEITA) |
bq25101 | 4.20 V | 6.5 V | CHG | TS (JEITA) |
bq25100A | 4.30 V | 6.5 V | PreTerm | TS |
bq25100H | 4.35 V | 6.5 V | PreTerm | TS (JEITA) |
bq25101H | 4.35 V | 6.5 V | CHG | TS (JEITA) |
bq25100L(1) | 4.06 V | 6.5V | PreTerm | TS |
CHG | C1(1) | Low (FET on) indicates charging and open drain (FET off) indicates no charging or the first charge cycle complete. | |
IN | A2 | I | Input power, connected to external DC supply (AC adapter or USB port). Expected range of bypass capacitors 1 μF to 10 μF, connect from IN to VSS. |
ISET | B2 | I | Programs the fast-charge current setting. External resistor from ISET to VSS defines fast charge current value. Recommended range is 13.5 kΩ (10 mA) to 0.54 kΩ (250 mA). |
OUT | A1 | O | Battery Connection. System Load may be connected. Expected range of bypass capacitors 1 μF to 10 μF. |
PRE-TERM | C1(1) | I | Programs the current termination threshold ( 1% to 50% of Iout, 1mA minimum). The pre-charge current is twice the termination current level. |
Expected range of programming resistor is 600 Ω to 30 kΩ (6k: Ichg/10 for term; Ichg/5 for precharge) | |||
TS | B1 | I | Temperature sense pin connected to 10k at 25°C NTC thermistor, in the battery pack. Floating TS pin or pulling high puts part in TTDM “Charger” mode and disables TS monitoring, Timers and Termination. Pulling pin low disables the IC. If NTC sensing is not needed, connect this pin to VSS through an external 10-kΩ resistor. A 250-kΩ resistor from TS to ground will prevent IC entering TTDM mode when battery with thermistor is removed. |
VSS | C2 | – | Ground pin |
MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||||
Input voltage | IN (with respect to VSS) | –0.3 | 30 | V | ||
OUT (with respect to VSS) | –0.3 | 7 | V | |||
(with respect to VSS) |
–0.3 | 7 | V | |||
Input current | IN | 300 | mA | |||
Output current (continuous) | OUT | 300 | mA | |||
Output sink current | CHG | 15 | mA | |||
TJ | Junction temperature | –40 | 150 | °C |
MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||||
ESD | Electrostatic discharge (IEC61000-4-2)(1) | IN, OUT, TS | 1 µF between IN and GND, 1 µF between TS and GND, 2 µF between OUT and GND, x5R Ceramic or equivalent |
8 contact 15 Air |
kV | |
TSTG | Storage temperature | –65 | 150 | °C |
MIN | NOM | UNIT | ||
VIN | IN voltage range | 3.5 | 28 | V |
IN operating voltage range, Restricted by VDPM and VOVP | 4.45 | 6.45 | V | |
IIN | Input current, IN pin | 250 | mA | |
IOUT | Current, OUT pin | 250 | mA | |
TJ | Junction temperature | 0 | 125 | °C |
RPRE-TERM | Programs precharge and termination current thresholds | 0.6 | 30 | kΩ |
RISET | Fast-charge current programming resistor | 0.54 | 13.5 | kΩ |
RTS | 10k NTC thermistor range without entering BAT_EN or TTDM | 1.66 | 258 | kΩ |
THERMAL METRIC(1) | bq25100 | UNIT | |
YFP (6 PINS) | |||
RθJA | Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance | 132.9 | °C/W |
RθJCtop | Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance | 1.3 | |
RθJB | Junction-to-board thermal resistance | 21.8 | |
ψJT | Junction-to-top characterization parameter | 5.6 | |
ψJB | Junction-to-board characterization parameter | 21.8 | |
RθJCbot | Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance | n/a |
INPUT | ||||||
UVLO | Undervoltage lock-out exit | VIN: 0 V → 4 V | 3.15 | 3.3 | 3.45 | V |
VHYS_UVLO | Hysteresis on VUVLO_RISE falling | VIN: 4 V→0 V; VUVLO_FALL = VUVLO_RISE – VHYS-UVLO |
250 | mV | ||
VIN-DT | Input power good detection threshold is VOUT + VIN-DT | Input power good if VIN > VOUT + VIN-DT; VOUT = 3.6 V; VIN: 3.5 V → 4 V |
15 | 60 | 130 | mV |
VHYS-INDT | Hysteresis on VIN-DT falling | VOUT = 3.6 V; VIN: 4 V → 3.5 V | 31 | mV | ||
tDGL(PG_PWR) | Deglitch time on exiting sleep | Time measured from VIN: 0 V → 5 V 1-μs rise-time to charge enables; VOUT = 3.6 V | 29 | ms | ||
tDGL(PG_NO-PWR) | Deglitch time on VHYS-INDT power down. Same as entering sleep. | Time measured from VIN: 5 V → 3.2 V 1-μs fall-time to charge disables; VOUT = 3.6 V | 29 | ms | ||
VOVP | Input over-voltage protection threshold | VIN: 5 V → 12 V | 6.52 | 6.67 | 6.82 | V |
tDGL(OVP-SET) | Input over-voltage blanking time | VIN: 5 V → 12 V | 113 | μs | ||
VHYS-OVP | Hysteresis on OVP | VIN: 11 V → 5 V | 110 | mV | ||
tDGL(OVP-REC) | Deglitch time exiting OVP | Time measured from VIN: 12 V → 5 V 1-μs fall-time to charge enables | 450 | μs | ||
VIN-DPM | Low input voltage protection. Restricts lout at VIN-DPM | Limit input source current to 50 mA; VOUT = 3.5 V; RISET = 1.35 kΩ |
4.25 | 4.31 | 4.37 | V |
RISET_SHORT | Highest resistor value considered a fault (short). | RISET: 540 Ω → 250 Ω, Iout latches off; Cycle power to reset |
420 | 450 | Ω | |
tDGL_SHORT | Deglitch time transition from ISET short to Iout disable | Clear fault by disconnecting IN or cycling (high / low) TS/BAT_EN | 1 | ms | ||
IOUT_CL | Maximum OUT current limit regulation (Clamp) | VIN = 5 V; VOUT = 3.6 V; RISET: 540 Ω → 250 Ω; IOUT latches off after tDGL-SHORT | 550 | 600 | 650 | mA |
VOUT(SC) | OUT pin short-circuit detection threshold/ precharge threshold | VOUT:3 V → 0.5 V; No deglitch | 0.75 | 0.8 | 0.85 | V |
VOUT(SC-HYS) | OUT pin Short hysteresis | Recovery ≥ VOUT(SC) + VOUT(SC-HYS); Rising; No deglitch | 77 | mV | ||
IOUT(SC) | Source current to OUT pin during short-circuit detection | 9 | 11 | 13 | mA | |
IOUT(PDWN) | Battery current into OUT pin | VIN = 0 V; 0°C to 125°C | 75 | nA | ||
VIN = 0 V; 0°C to 85°C | 50 | |||||
IOUT(DONE) | OUT pin current, charging terminated | VIN = 6 V; VOUT > VOUT(REG) | 6 | μA | ||
IIN(STDBY) | Standby current into IN pin | TS = GND; VIN ≤ 6 V | 125 | μA | ||
ICC | Active supply current, IN pin | TS = open, VIN = 6 V; TTDM – no load on OUT pin; VOUT > VOUT(REG); IC enabled |
0.75 | 1 | mA | |
VOUT(REG) | Output voltage | TJ = 0°C to 125°C; IOUT = 0 mA to 250 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100/101) |
4.16 | 4.2 | 4.23 | V |
TJ = 0°C to 125°C; IOUT = 0 mA to 250 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100A) |
4.26 | 4.3 | 4.33 | |||
TJ = 0°C to 125°C; IOUT = 0 mA to 250 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100H/101H) |
4.31 | 4.35 | 4.38 | |||
TJ = -5°C to 55°C; IOUT = 10mA to 75 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100A) |
4.275 | 4.3 | 4.325 | |||
VO_HT(REG) | Battery hot regulation voltage | VIN = 5.0 V; IOUT =10 mA to 250 mA; VTS-60°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-45°C (bq25100/101) |
4.02 | 4.06 | 4.1 | V |
VIN = 5.0 V; IOUT =10 mA to 250 mA; VTS-60°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-45°C (bq25100H/101H) |
4.16 | 4.2 | 4.24 | |||
IOUT(RANGE) | Programmed output “fast charge” current range | VOUT(REG) > VOUT > VLOWV; VIN = 5 V; RISET = 0.54 kΩ to 13.5 kΩ |
10 | 250 | mA | |
VDO(IN-OUT) | Drop-Out, VIN – VOUT | Adjust VIN down until IOUT = 0.2 A; VOUT = 4.15 V; RISET = 680 Ω; TJ ≤ 100°C | 220 | 400 | mV | |
IOUT | Output “fast charge” formula | VOUT(REG) > VOUT > VLOWV; VIN = 5 V | KISET/RISET | A | ||
KISET | Fast charge current factor | RISET = KISET /IOUT; 20 < IOUT < 250 mA | 129 | 135 | 145 | AΩ |
RISET = KISET /IOUT; 5 < IOUT < 20 mA | 125 | 135 | 145 | |||
VLOWV | Pre-charge to fast-charge transition threshold | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | V | |
tDGL1(LOWV) | Deglitch time on pre-charge to fast-charge transition | 57 | μs | |||
tDGL2(LOWV) | Deglitch time on fast-charge to pre-charge transition | 32 | ms | |||
IPRE-TERM | Refer to the Termination Section | |||||
%PRECHG | Pre-charge current, default setting | VOUT < VLOWV; RISET = 2.7 kΩ; RPRE-TERM= High Z or for BQ25101/101H | 18 | 20 | 22 | %IOUT-CC |
Pre-charge current formula | RPRE-TERM = KPRE-CHG (Ω/%) × %PRE-CHG (%) | RPRE-TERM/KPRE-CHG% | ||||
KPRE-CHG | % Pre-charge Factor | VOUT < VLOWV; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 6 kΩ to 30 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ; RPRE-TERM = KPRE-CHG × %IPRE-CHG, where %IPRE-CHG is 20 to 100% |
280 | 300 | 320 | Ω/% |
VOUT < VLOWV; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 3 kΩ to 6 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ; RPRE-TERM = KPRE-CHG × %IPRE-CHG, where %IPRE-CHG is 10% to 20% |
265 | 300 | 340 | Ω/% | ||
%TERM | Termination threshold current, default setting | VOUT > VRCH; RISET = 2.7 kΩ; RPRE-TERM = High Z or for BQ25101/101H | 9 | 10 | 11 | %IOUT-CC |
Termination current threshold formula | RPRE-TERM = KTERM (Ω/%) × %TERM (%) | RPRE-TERM/ KTERM | ||||
KTERM | % Term factor | VOUT > VRCH; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 6 kΩ to 30 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ, RPRE-TERM=KTERM × %ITERM, where %ITERM is 10 to 50% |
575 | 600 | 640 | Ω/% |
VOUT > VRCH; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 3 kΩ to 6 kΩ ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ, RPRE-TERM= KTERM × %ITERM, where %ITERM is 5 to 10% |
555 | 620 | 685 | |||
VOUT > VRCH; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 750 Ω to 3 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ, RPRE-TERM= KTERM × %ITERM, where %ITERM is 1.25% to 5% |
352 | 680 | 1001 | |||
IPRE-TERM | Current for programming the term. and pre-chg with resistor, ITerm-Start is the initial PRE-TERM current | RPRE-TERM = 6 kΩ; VOUT = 4.15 V | 23 | 25 | 27 | μA |
ITERM | Termination current range | Minimum absolute termination current | 1 | mA | ||
%TERM | Termination current formula | RTERM/ KTERM | % | |||
tDGL(TERM) | Deglitch time, termination detected | 29 | ms | |||
VRCH | Recharge detection threshold – normal temp | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; VOUT: 4.25 V → VRCH (bq25100); VOUT: 4.35 V → VRCH (bq25100A); VOUT: 4.40 V → VRCH (bq25100H) |
–0.125 |
VO(REG)–0.095 | VO(REG)–0.075 | V |
Recharge detection threshold – hot temp | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.2 V; VOUT: 4.15 V → VRCH (bq25100); VOUT: 4.25 V → VRCH (bq25100H) |
–0.130 |
–0.105 |
–0.080 |
V | |
tDGL1(RCH) | Deglitch time, recharge threshold detected | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; VOUT: 4.25 V → 3.5V in 1 μs; tDGL(RCH) is time to ISET ramp |
29 | ms | ||
tDGL2(RCH) | Deglitch time, recharge threshold detected in OUT-Detect Mode | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; VOUT = 3.5 V inserted; tDGL(RCH) is time to ISET ramp |
29 | ms | ||
BATTERY DETECT ROUTINE – (NOTE: In Hot mode VO(REG) becomes VO_HT(REG)) | ||||||
VREG-BD | VOUT reduced regulation during battery detect | bq25100/101/bq25100H/101H; VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V, Battery absent |
VO(REG)-0.450 | VO(REG)-0.400 | VO(REG)-0.350 | V |
bq25100A; VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent |
VO(REG)-0.550 | VO(REG)-0.500 | VO(REG)-0.450 | |||
IBD-SINK | Sink current during VREG-BD | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | 2 | mA | ||
tDGL(HI/LOW REG) | Regulation time at VREG or VREG-BD | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | 25 | ms | ||
VBD-HI | High battery detection threshold | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | VO(REG) -0.150 | VO(REG)-0.100 | VO(REG)-0.050 | V |
VBD-LO | Low battery detection threshold | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | VREG-BD
+0.05 |
+0.15 |
V |
tPRECHG | Pre-charge safety timer value | Restarts when entering pre-charge; Always enabled when in pre-charge. |
1700 | 1940 | 2250 | s |
tMAXCH | Charge safety timer value | Clears fault or resets at UVLO, TS disable, OUT Short, exiting LOWV and Refresh | 34000 | 38800 | 45000 | s |
BATTERY-PACK NTC MONITOR (see Note 1); TS pin: 10k NTC | ||||||
INTC-10k | NTC bias current | VTS = 0.3 V | 48.5 | 50.5 | 52.5 | μA |
INTC-DIS-10k | 10k NTC bias current when charging is disabled | VTS = 0 V | 27 | 30 | 33 | μA |
INTC-FLDBK-10k | INTC is reduced prior to entering TTDM to keep cold thermistor from entering TTDM | VTS: Set to 1.525 V | 4 | 5 | 6.5 | μA |
VTTDM(TS) | Termination and timer disable mode Threshold – Enter | VTS: 0.5 V → 1.7 V; Timer held in reset | 1550 | 1600 | 1650 | mV |
VHYS-TTDM(TS) | Hysteresis exiting TTDM | VTS: 1.7 V → 0.5 V; Timer enabled | 100 | mV | ||
VCLAMP(TS) | TS maximum voltage clamp | VTS = Open (float) | 1900 | 1950 | 2000 | mV |
tDGL(TTDM) | Deglitch exit TTDM between states | 57 | ms | |||
Deglitch enter TTDM between states | 8 | μs | ||||
VTS_I-FLDBK | TS voltage where INTC is reduce to keep thermistor from entering TTDM | INTC adjustment (90 to 10%; 45 to 6.6 uA) takes place near this spec threshold; VTS: 1.425 V → 1.525 V |
1475 | mV | ||
CTS | Optional capacitance – ESD | 0.22 | μF | |||
VTS-0°C | Low temperature CHG pending | Low temp charging to pending; VTS: 1 V → 1.5 V |
1230 | 1255 | 1280 | mV |
VHYS-0°C | Hysteresis | At 0°C; Charge pending to low temp charging; VTS: 1.5 V → 1 V |
100 | mV | ||
VTS-10°C | Low temperature, half charge | Normal charging to low temp charging; VTS: 0.5 V → 1 V |
775 | 800 | 830 | mV |
VHYS-10°C | Hysteresis | At 10°C; Low temp charging to normal CHG; VTS: 1 V → 0.5 V |
55 | mV | ||
VTS-45°C | High temperature | At 4.1V (bq25100/101) or 4.2V (bq25100H/101H); Normal charging to high temp CHG; VTS: 0.5 V → 0.2 V |
253 | 268 | 283 | mV |
VHYS-45°C | Hysteresis | At 45°C; High temp charging to normal CHG; VTS: 0.2 V → 0.5 V |
20 | mV | ||
VTS-60°C | High temperature disable | bq25100/01/100H/101H/100L; High temp charge to pending; VTS: 0.2 V → 0.1 V |
160 | 170 | 180 | mV |
VHYS-60°C | Hysteresis | At 60°C (bq25100/01/100H/101H/100L); Charge pending to high temp CHG; VTS: 0.1 V → 0.2 V |
20 | mV | ||
tDGL(TS_10C) | Deglitch for TS thresholds: 10C | Normal to cold operation; VTS: 0.6 V → 1 V | 50 | ms | ||
Cold to normal operation; VTS: 1 V → 0.6 V | 12 | |||||
tDGL(TS) | Deglitch for TS thresholds: 0/45/60C | Battery charging | 30 | ms | ||
VTS-EN-10k | Charge enable threshold, (10k NTC) | VTS: 0 V → 0.175 V | 84 | 92 | 100 | mV |
VTS-DIS_HYS-10k | HYS below VTS-EN-10k to disable, (10k NTC) | VTS: 0.125 V → 0 V | 12 | mV | ||
TJ(REG) | Temperature regulation limit | 125 | °C | |||
TJ(OFF) | Thermal shutdown temperature | 155 | °C | |||
TJ(OFF-HYS) | Thermal shutdown hysteresis | 20 | °C | |||
VOL | Output low voltage | ISINK = 5 mA | 0.4 | V | ||
ILEAK | Leakage current into IC | VCHG = 5 V | 1 | μA |
No Battery, No Load | ||
VIN 0 V -5 V-7 V-5 V | ||
VIN Regulated | ||
No Load | ||
20-Ω resistor at OUT, No input, VBAT = 3.7 V | ||
Hot Plug | ||
20-Ω resistor at OUT, No input, VBAT = 3.7 V | ||
90-mA Load, 120-mA ICHG | ||
bq25100 charge cycle, ICHG = 75 mA, VBAT_REG = 4.2 V | ||
The bq2510x is a highly integrated family of single cell Li-Ion and Li-Pol chargers. The charger can be used to charge a battery, power a system or both. The charger has three phases of charging: pre-charge to recover a fully discharged battery, fast-charge constant current to supply the charge safely and voltage regulation to safely reach full capacity. The charger is very flexible, allowing programming of the fast-charge current and Pre-charge/Termination Current. This charger is designed to work with a USB connection (100-mA limit) or Adaptor (DC output). The charger also checks to see if a battery is present.
The charger also comes with a full set of safety features: JEITA Temperature Standard (bq25100/01/100H/101H), Over-Voltage Protection, DPM-IN, Safety Timers, and ISET short protection. All of these features and more are described in detail below.
The charger is designed for a single power path from the input to the output to charge a single cell Li-Ion or
Li-Pol battery pack. Upon application of a 5-V DC power source the ISET and OUT short checks are performed to assure a proper charge cycle.
If the battery voltage is below the LOWV threshold, the battery is considered discharged and a preconditioning cycle begins. The amount of precharge current can be programmed using the PRE-TERM pin which programs a percent of fast charge current (10 to 100%) as the precharge current. This feature is useful when the system load is connected across the battery “stealing” the battery current. The precharge current can be set higher to account for the system loading while allowing the battery to be properly conditioned. The PRE-TERM pin is a dual function pin which sets the precharge current level and the termination threshold level. The termination "current threshold" is always half of the precharge programmed current level.
Once the battery voltage has charged to the VLOWV threshold, fast charge is initiated and the fast charge current is applied. The fast charge constant current is programmed using the ISET pin. The constant current provides the bulk of the charge. Power dissipation in the IC is greatest in fast charge with a lower battery voltage. If the IC reaches 125°C, the IC enters thermal regulation, slows the timer clock by half, and reduces the charge current as needed to keep the temperature from rising any further. Figure 17 shows the charging profile with thermal regulation. Typically under normal operating conditions, the IC’s junction temperature is less than 125°C and thermal regulation is not entered.
Once the cell has charged to the regulation voltage the voltage loop takes control and holds the battery at the regulation voltage until the current tapers to the termination threshold. The termination can be disabled if desired.
Further details are described in the Operating Modes section.
If the input source applies an overvoltage, the pass FET, if previously on, turns off after a deglitch, tBLK(OVP). The timer stops counting. Once the overvoltage returns to a normal voltage, the timer and charge continues.
The charge pin has an internal open drain FET which is on (pulls down to VSS) during the first charge only (independent of TTDM) and is turned off once the battery reaches voltage regulation and the charge current tapers to the termination threshold set by the PRE-TERM resistor. The bq25101/01H terminates at 10% of the programmed charge current. The charge pin is high impedance in sleep mode and OVP and returns to its previous state once the condition is removed. Cycling input power, removing and replacing the battery, pulling the TS pin low and releasing or entering pre-charge mode causes the CHG pin to go reset (go low if power is good and a discharged battery is attached) and is considered the start of a first charge.
For host monitoring, a pull-up resistor is used between the CHG pin and the VCC of the host and for a visual indication a resistor in series with an LED is connected between the /CHG pin and a power source. If the CHG source is capable of exceeding 7 V, a 6.2-V zener should be used to clamp the voltage. If the source is the OUT pin, note that as the battery changes voltage, and the brightness of the LEDs vary.
The IN-DPM feature is used to detect an input source voltage that is folding back (voltage dropping), reaching its current limit due to excessive load. When the input voltage drops to the VIN-DPM threshold the internal pass FET starts to reduce the current until there is no further drop in voltage at the input. This would prevent a source with voltage less than VIN-DPM to power the out pin. This is an added safety feature that helps protect the source from excessive loads. This feature is not applicable for bq25100A.
The Charger’s OUT pin provides current to the battery and to the system, if present. This IC can be used to charge the battery plus power the system, charge just the battery or just power the system (TTDM) assuming the loads do not exceed the available current. The OUT pin is a current limited source and is inherently protected against shorts. If the system load ever exceeds the output programmed current threshold, the output will be discharged unless there is sufficient capacitance or a charged battery present to supplement the excessive load.
An external resistor is used to Program the Output Current (10 to 250 mA) and can be used as a current monitor.
IOUT is the desired fast charge current;
KISET is a gain factor found in the electrical specification
For greater accuracy at lower currents, part of the sense FET is disabled to give better resolution. Going from higher currents to low currents, there is hysteresis and the transition occurs around 50 mA.
The ISET resistor is short protected and will detect a resistance lower than ≉420 Ω. The detection requires at least 50 mA of output current. If a “short” is detected, then the IC will latch off and can be reset by cycling the power or cycling TS pin. The OUT current is internally clamped to a maximum current of 600 mA typical and is independent of the ISET short detection circuitry.
For charge current that is below 50 mA, an extra RC circuit is recommended on ISET to acheive more stable current signal. More detail is available in 9.1 Application Information.
Pre-Term is used to program both the pre-charge current and the termination current threshold. The pre-charge current level is a factor of two higher than the termination current level. The termination can be set between 5 and 50% (recommended range) of the programmed output current level set by ISET. If left floating the termination and pre-charge are set internally at 10/20% respectively. The RPRE-TERM is ranged from 600 Ω to 30 kΩ and the minimum termination current can be programmed to 1 mA. The pre-charge-to-fast-charge, Vlowv threshold is set to 2.5 V.
%Term is the percent of fast charge current where termination occurs;
%Pre-CHG is the percent of fast charge current that is desired during precharge;
KTERM and KPRE-CHG are gain factors found in the electrical specifications.
The TS function for the bq2510x family is designed to follow the new JEITA temperature standard (bq25100/bq25100H/bq25101/bq25101H) for Li-Ion and Li-Pol batteries. There are now four thresholds, 60°C, 45°C, 10°C, and 0°C. Normal operation occurs between 10°C and 45°C. If between 0°C and 10°C the charge current level is cut in half and if between 45°C and 60°C the regulation voltage is reduced to 4.1 V max for bq25100 and 4.2 V max for bq25100H, see Figure 18. The TS function for the bq25100A cut the charge current level in half between 0°C and 10°C and disables charging when the NTC temperature is above 45°C.
The TS feature is implemented using an internal 50μA current source to bias the thermistor (designed for use with a 10-k NTC β = 3370 (SEMITEC 103AT-2 or Mitsubishi TH05-3H103F) connected from the TS pin to VSS. If this feature is not needed, a fixed 10-k can be placed between TS and VSS to allow normal operation. This may be done if the host is monitoring the thermistor and then the host would determine when to pull the TS pin low to disable charge.
The TS pin has two additional features, when the TS pin is pulled low or floated/driven high. A low disables charge and a high puts the charger in TTDM.
Above 60°C (45°C for bq25100A) or below 0°C the charge is disabled. Once the thermistor reaches ≉–10°C the TS current folds back to keep a cold thermistor (between –10°C and –50°C) from placing the IC in the TTDM mode. If the TS pin is pulled low into disable mode, the current is reduce to ≉30 μA. Since the ITS curent is fixed along with the temperature thresholds, it is not possible to use thermistor values other than the 10-k NTC (at 25°C).
The pre-charge timer is set to 30 minutes. The pre-charge current, can be programmed to off-set any system load, making sure that the 30 minutes is adequate.
The fast charge timer is fixed at 10 hours and can be increased real time by going into thermal regulation or IN-DPM. The timer clock slows by a factor of 2, resulting in a clock than counts half as fast when in these modes. If either the 30 minute or ten hour timer times out, the charging is terminated and for bq25101/1H the CHG pin goes high impedance if not already in that state. The timer is reset by disabling the IC, cycling power or going into and out of TTDM.
Once the OUT pin goes above VRCH, (reaches voltage regulation) and the current tapers down to the termination threshold, a battery detect route is run to determine if the battery was removed or the battery is full. If the battery is present, the charge current will terminate. If the battery was removed along with the thermistor, then the TS pin is driven high and the charge enters TTDM. If the battery was removed and the TS pin is held in the active region, then the battery detect routine will continue until a battery is inserted. The termination current can be programmed down to 625 uA, however, the accuracy will reduce acoordingly when the termination current is below 1 mA.
The bq2510x family is in power down mode if the IN pin voltage is less than UVLO. The part is considered “dead” and all the pins are high impedance. Once the IN voltage rises above the UVLO threshold the IC will enter Sleep Mode or Active mode depending on the OUT pin (battery) voltage.
The IC is alive after the IN voltage ramps above UVLO (see sleep mode), resets all logic and timers, and starts to perform many of the continuous monitoring routines. Typically the input voltage quickly rises through the UVLO and sleep states where the IC declares power good, starts the qualification charge at 22 mA, sets the charge current base on the ISET pin, and starts the safety timer.
If the IN pin voltage is between VOUT+VDT and UVLO, the charge current is disabled, the safety timer counting stops (not reset). As the input voltage rises and the charger exits sleep mode, the safety timer continues to count and the charge is enabled. See Figure 20.
A new charge cycle is started when a good power source is applied, performing a chip disable/enable (TS pin), exiting Termination and Timer Disable Mode (TTDM), detecting a battery insertion or the OUT voltage dropping below the VRCH threshold.
The battery charger is in TTDM when the TS pin goes high from removing the thermistor (removing battery pack/floating the TS pin) or by pulling the TS pin up to the TTDM threshold.
When entering TTDM, the 10 hour safety timer is held in reset and termination is disabled. A battery detect routine is run to see if the battery was removed or not. For bq25101/1H, if the battery was removed then the CHG pin will go to its high impedance state if not already there. If a battery is detected the CHG pin does not change states until the current tapers to the termination threshold, where the CHG pin goes to its high impedance state if not already there (the regulated output will remain on).
The charging profile does not change (still has pre-charge, fast-charge constant current and constant voltage modes). This implies the battery is still charged safely and the current is allowed to taper to zero.
When coming out of TTDM, the battery detect routine is run and if a battery is detected, then a new charge cycle begins.
If TTDM is not desired upon removing the battery with the thermistor, one can add a 237-kΩ resistor between TS and VSS to disable TTDM. This keeps the current source from driving the TS pin into TTDM. This creates ≉0.1°C error at hot and a ≉3°C error at cold.
The battery detect routine should check for a missing battery while keeping the OUT pin at a useable voltage.
The battery detect routine is run when entering and exiting TTDM to verify if battery is present, or run all the time if battery is missing and not in TTDM. On power-up, if battery voltage is greater than VRCH thereshold, a battery detect routine is run to determine if a battery is present.
The battery detect routine is disabled while the IC is in TTDM, or has a TS fault. See Figure 21 for the Battery Detect Flow Diagram.
After termination, if the OUT pin voltage drops to VRCH (100mV below regulation) then a new charge is initiated.
The termination threshold is raised by ≉14% for the first minute of a charge cycle so if a full battery is removed and reinserted or a new charge cycle is initiated, that the new charge terminates (less than 1 minute). Batteries that have relaxed many hours may take several minutes to taper to the termination threshold and terminate charge.
Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality.
The bq2510x series of devices are highly integrated Li-Ion and Li-Pol linear chargers targeted at space-limited portable applications. The fast charge current can be programmed from 10 mA to 250 mA through an external resistor on ISET pin. The pre_charge and termination current can also be programmed through the resistor connected on PRETERM pin. The device has complete system-level protection such as input under-voltage lockout (UVLO), input over-voltage protection (OVP), sleep mode, thermal regulation, safety timers, and NTC monitoring input.
from electrical characteristics table. . . K(SET) = 135 AΩ
RISET = [135 AΩ/0.04 A] = 3.4 kΩ
Selecting the closest standard value, use a 3.4-kΩ resistor between ISET and Vss.
RPRE-TERM = 600 Ω/% × 10% = 6 kΩ
Selecting the closest standard value, use a 6-kΩ resistor between PRETERM and Vss.
One can arrive at the same value by using 20% for a pre-charge value (factor of 2 difference).
RPRE-TERM = 300 Ω/% × 20%= 6 kΩ
Use a 10-k NTC thermistor in the battery pack (103AT).
To Disable the temp sense function, use a fixed 10-kΩ resistor between the TS and VSS.
In most applications, all that is needed is a high-frequency decoupling capacitor (ceramic) on the power pin, input and output pins. Using the values shown on the application diagram is recommended. After evaluation of these voltage signals with real system operational conditions, one can determine if capacitance values can be adjusted toward the minimum recommended values (DC load application) or higher values for fast, high amplitude, pulsed load applications. Note if designed for high input voltage sources (bad adaptors or wrong adaptors), the capacitor needs to be rated appropriately. Ceramic capacitors are tested to 2x their rated values so a 16-V capacitor may be adequate for a 30-V transient (verify tested rating with capacitor manufacturer).
Hot Plug | ||
VIN 0 V -5 V-7 V-5 V | ||
90-mA Load, 120-mA IOUT | ||