JAJSLS9 September 2024 BQ25773
The charger monitors the battery charge current to provide the battery overcurrent charge protection(BATCOC) through voltage across SRP and SRN. BATCOC is disabled by default (BATCOC_CONFIG=00b) and can be enabled by configuring BATCOC_CONFIG=01b/10b/11b (50mV/75mV/100mV thresholds respectively).
When the charge current is higher than the threshold after 1-μs deglitch time, BATCOC fault is triggered, CHARGE_CURRENT() register is reset back to 0A and BATFET should be turned off accordingly. Status bit FAULT_BATCOC is set and it can only be cleared by host read after 1 second latch time. The above actions are only executed one time after triggered. During this 1 second latch time, non-zero value cannot be written into CHARGE_CURRENT(). In order to recover charging, host need to re-write non-zero CHARGE_CURRENT() register value after it triggers for 1 second. Note this protection only turns off BATFET to disable charge it should not influence BATFET supplement mode turn on state machine. Also the CHRG_OK pin is not influenced under BATCOC fault to avoid unnecessary interference to customer system.