SLUSEK7 September 2024 BQ25773
When autonomous charging is not enabled (EN_AUTO_CHG=0b), the battery charging termination be can be executed when host write CHARGE_CURRENT() register to 0A or set CHRG_INHIBIT=1b based on battery gauge device request.
When autonomous charging is enabled (EN_AUTO_CHG=1b), the device terminates a charge cycle when the battery voltage is above the recharge threshold, the converter is operated in the battery constant voltage regulation loop and the current is below the termination current threshold (ITERM() register setting). After the charging cycle is completed, the CHARGE_CURRENT() register is set to 0A to terminate charge and BATFET turns off. The original CHARGE_CURRENT() register setting is logged internally and resumes it to CHARGE_CURRENT() when re-charge condition is detected to restart charging. The converter keeps running to power the system and the BATFET can turn on again if the supplement mode is triggered.
When termination is done, the status register CHRG_STAT is set to 111b. The charger can be configured to pull down CHRG_OK pin for minimum 256 μs to inform host that charging is terminated when CHRG_OK_INT bit is set to 1b. Termination is temporarily disabled when the charger device is in input current (IINDPM), input voltage (VINDPM) or TREG thermal regulation. The deglitch times for determining IINDPM active and VINDPM active is 1 ms, and deglitch times for determining TREG active is 10 ms.