JAJSGO0C February 2018 – September 2019 BQ25882
After the input current limit is set, the PG pin is pulled LOW, the PG_STAT and VBUS_STAT bits are changed, and the converter is enabled, allowing the HSFET and LSFET to start switching. If battery charging is disabled, BATFET turns off. Otherwise, BATFET stays on to charge the battery. The device provides soft-start when system rail is ramped up.
Before charging begins, the battery discharge source (IBAT_DISCHG) is enabled automatically to detect the presence of battery. The host can enable IBAT_DISCHG via the EN_BAT_DISCHG bit at any point during operation, including in Battery Only or HIZ modes.
As a battery charger, the device deploys a highly efficient 1.5-MHz step-up switching regulator. The fixed frequency oscillator keeps tight control of the switching frequency under all conditions of input voltage, battery voltage, charge current and temperature, simplifying filter design.
In order to improve light-load efficiency, the device switches to PFM control at light load when battery is below minimum system voltage setting or charging is disabled. During the PFM operation, the switching duty cycle is set by the ratio of SYS and VBUS. PFM operation may be disabled by the host using the PFM_DIS bit. PFM operation also includes an out-of-audio (OOA) feature to prevent the converter from switching within the audible range (< 20 kHz) at no load conditions. This feature may be disabled by the host using the PFM_OOA_DIS bit.