SLUSCB7A March   2016  – April 2016


  1. Features
  2. Applications
  3. Description
  4. Revision History
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
  6. Specifications
    1. 6.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4  Thermal Information
    5. 6.5  Supply Current
    6. 6.6  Digital Input and Output DC Characteristics
    7. 6.7  LDO Regulator, Wake-up, and Auto-Shutdown DC Characteristics
    8. 6.8  LDO Regulator, Wake-up, and Auto-shutdown AC Characteristics
    9. 6.9  ADC (Temperature and Cell Measurement) Characteristics
    10. 6.10 Integrating ADC (Coulomb Counter) Characteristics
    11. 6.11 I2C-Compatible Interface Communication Timing Characteristics
    12. 6.12 SHUTDOWN and WAKE-UP Timing
    13. 6.13 Typical Characteristics
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 7.1 Overview
    2. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram (System-Side Configuration)
    3. 7.3 Feature Description
      1. 7.3.1 Communications
        1. I2C Interface
        2. I2C Time Out
        3. I2C Command Waiting Time
        4. I2C Clock Stretching
    4. 7.4 Device Functional Modes
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 8.1 Application Information
    2. 8.2 Typical Applications
      1. 8.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
        1. BAT Voltage Sense Input
        2. Integrated LDO Capacitor
        3. Sense Resistor Selection
      3. 8.2.3 External Thermistor Support
      4. 8.2.4 Application Curves
  9. Power Supply Recommendation
    1. 9.1 Power Supply Decoupling
  10. 10Layout
    1. 10.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 10.2 Layout Example
  11. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Documentation Support
      1. 11.1.1 Related Documentation
    2. 11.2 Community Resources
    3. 11.3 Trademarks
    4. 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    5. 11.5 Glossary
  12. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information



11 Device and Documentation Support

11.1 Documentation Support

11.1.1 Related Documentation

  • bq27220 Technical Reference Manual (SLUUBD4)
  • Quickstart Guide for bq27220 (SLUUAP7)
  • Single Cell Gas Gauge Circuit Design (SLUA456)
  • Key Design Considerations for the bq27500 and bq27501 (SLUA439)
  • ESD and RF Mitigation in Handheld Battery Electronics (SLUA460)

11.2 Community Resources

The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use.

    TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers.
    Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support.

11.3 Trademarks

NanoFree, E2E are trademarks of Texas Instruments.

I2C is a trademark of NXP Semiconductors, N.V.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution


This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.

ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.

11.5 Glossary

SLYZ022TI Glossary.

This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.