JAJSLN6C May 2012 – May 2021 BQ34Z100
Issuing a Control() command requires a subsequent two-byte subcommand. These additional bytes specify the particular control function desired. The Control() command allows the host to control specific features of the BQ34Z100 during normal operation, and additional features when the BQ34Z100 is in different access modes, as described in Table 7-2.
CONTROL_STATUS | 0x0000 | Yes | Reports the status of DF Checksum, IT, for example. |
DEVICE_TYPE | 0x0001 | Yes | Reports the device type of 0x0541 (indicating BQ34Z100) |
FW_VERSION | 0x0002 | Yes | Reports the firmware version on the device type |
HW_VERSION | 0x0003 | Yes | Reports the hardware version of the device type |
RESET_DATA | 0x0005 | No | Returns reset data |
PREV_MACWRITE | 0x0007 | No | Returns previous MAC command code |
CHEM_ID | 0x0008 | Yes | Reports the chemical identifier of the Impedance Track configuration |
BOARD_OFFSET | 0x0009 | No | Forces the device to measure and store the board offset |
CC_OFFSET | 0x000A | No | Forces the device to measure the internal CC offset |
CC_OFFSET_SAVE | 0x000B | No | Forces the device to store the internal CC offset |
DF_VERSION | 0x000C | Yes | Reports the data flash version on the device |
SET_FULLSLEEP | 0x0010 | No | Set the [FULLSLEEP] bit in the control register to 1 |
STATIC_CHEM_CHKSUM | 0x0017 | Yes | Calculates chemistry checksum |
CURRENT | 0x0018 | Yes | Returns the instantaneous current measured by the gauge |
SEALED | 0x0020 | No | Places the device in SEALED access mode |
IT_ENABLE | 0x0021 | No | Enables the Impedance Track algorithm |
CAL_ENABLE | 0x002D | No | Toggle CALIBRATION mode |
RESET | 0x0041 | No | Forces a full reset of the BQ34Z100 |
EXIT_CAL | 0x0080 | No | Exit CALIBRATION mode |
ENTER_CAL | 0x0081 | No | Enter CALIBRATION mode |
OFFSET_CAL | 0x0082 | No | Reports internal CC offset in CALIBRATION mode |