JAJSP77A November 2019 – August 2020 BQ79600-Q1
Comm Clear concept only applies to bridge device not stack device.
Comm Clear command is used to clear the receiver and instruct it to look for a new start of frame. (Resync up with host) The next byte following the Comm Clear is considered a "start of frame" byte. The digital receiver continuously monitors the RX line for Comm Clear condition which is RX pin is held low for tUART (CLR) bit periods, showed in Figure 7-12.
When Comm Clear is detected, FAULT_COMM1 [COMMCLR_DET] and FAULT_COMM1 [STOP_DET] are set. [STOP_DET] flag is set because the Comm Clear timing violates the typical byte timing and the STOP bit is seen as '0'. The only exception to this is when a COMM CLEAR is sent while BQ79600-Q1 is in sleep. If this is the case, there is no STOP error flag.