JAJSEK1C August 2011 – August 2018 BUF20800-Q1
The address of the BUF20800-Q1 is 111010x, where x is the state of the A0 pin. When the A0 pin is LOW, the device will acknowledge on address 74h (1110100). If the A0 pin is HIGH, the device will acknowledge on address 75h (1110101).
Other valid addresses are possible through a simple mask change. Contact your TI representative for information.
BUF20800-Q1 Address: | ADDRESS |
A0 pin is LOW
(device acknowledges on address 74h) |
1110100 |
A0 pin is HIGH
(device acknowledges on address 75h) |
1110101 |
General Call Reset | Address byte of 00h followed by a data byte of 06h. |
High-Speed Mode | 00001xxx, with SCL ≤ 400kHz; where xxx are bits unique to the Hs-capable master. This byte is called the Hs master code. |