5.9.9 AGC Settling
After turning on the RX chain, the following occurs:
- The AGC waits 16 to 128 ADC_CLK (1.2288 MHz) periods, depending on the VGA_FREEZE setting in the VGA1 register, for settling in the analog parts.
- The AGC waits 16 to 48 FILTER_CLK periods, depending on the VGA_WAIT setting in the VGA1 register, for settling in the analog parts and the digital channel filter.
- The AGC calculates the RSSI value as the average magnitude over the next 2 to 16 FILTER_CLK periods, depending on the AGC_AVG setting in the VGA2 register.
- If the RSSI value is higher than CS_LEVEL+8, then the carrier sense indicator is set (if CS_SET = 0). If the RSSI value is too high according to the CS_LEVEL, VGA_UP and VGA_DOWN settings, and the VGA gain is not already at minimum, then the VGA gain is reduced and the AGC continues from B).
- If the RSSI value is too low according to the CS_LEVEL and VGA_UP settings, and the VGA gain is not already at maximum (given by VGA_SETTING), then the VGA gain is increased and the AGC continues from B).
Two to three VGA gain changes should be expected before the AGC has settled. Increasing AGC_AVG increases the settling time, but may be worthwhile if there is the time in the protocol, and for reducing false wake-up events when setting the carrier sense close to the noise floor.
The AGC settling time depends on the FILTER_CLK (= 2 × ChBW). Thus, there is a trade off between AGC settling time and receiver sensitivity because the AGC settling time can be reduced for data rates lower than 76.8 kBaud by using a wider receiver channel filter bandwidth (that is, larger ChBW).