SWRS046I November   2006  – September 2018 CC1020


  1. 1Device Overview
    1. 1.1 Features
    2. 1.2 Applications
    3. 1.3 Description
    4. 1.4 Functional Block Diagram
  2. 2Revision History
  3. 3Terminal Configuration and Functions
    1. 3.1 Pin Diagram
    2. 3.2 Pin Configuration
  4. 4Specifications
    1. 4.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 4.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 4.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 4.4  RF Transmit
    5. 4.5  RF Receive
    6. 4.6  RSSI / Carrier Sense
    7. 4.7  Intermediate Frequency (IF)
    8. 4.8  Crystal Oscillator
    9. 4.9  Frequency Synthesizer
    10. 4.10 Digital Inputs and Outputs
    11. 4.11 Current Consumption
    12. 4.12 Thermal Resistance Characteristics for VQFNP Package
  5. 5Detailed Description
    1. 5.1  Overview
    2. 5.2  Functional Block Diagram
    3. 5.3  Configuration Overview
      1. 5.3.1 Configuration Software
    4. 5.4  Microcontroller Interface
      1. 5.4.1 Configuration Interface
      2. 5.4.2 Signal Interface
      3. 5.4.3 PLL Lock Signal
    5. 5.5  4-wire Serial Configuration Interface
    6. 5.6  Signal Interface
      1. 5.6.1 Synchronous NRZ Mode
      2. 5.6.2 Transparent Asynchronous UART Mode
      3. 5.6.3 Synchronous Manchester Encoded Mode
        1. Manchester Encoding and Decoding
    7. 5.7  Data Rate Programming
    8. 5.8  Frequency Programming
      1. 5.8.1 Dithering
    9. 5.9  Receiver
      1. 5.9.1  IF Frequency
      2. 5.9.2  Receiver Channel Filter Bandwidth
      3. 5.9.3  Demodulator, Bit Synchronizer, and Data Decision
      4. 5.9.4  Receiver Sensitivity Versus Data Rate and Frequency Separation
      5. 5.9.5  RSSI
      6. 5.9.6  Image Rejection Calibration
      7. 5.9.7  Blocking and Selectivity
      8. 5.9.8  Linear IF Chain and AGC Settings
      9. 5.9.9  AGC Settling
      10. 5.9.10 Preamble Length and Sync Word
      11. 5.9.11 Carrier Sense
      12. 5.9.12 Automatic Power-up Sequencing
      13. 5.9.13 Automatic Frequency Control
      14. 5.9.14 Digital FM
    10. 5.10 Transmitter
      1. 5.10.1 FSK Modulation Formats
      2. 5.10.2 Output Power Programming
      3. 5.10.3 TX Data Latency
      4. 5.10.4 Reducing Spurious Emission and Modulation Bandwidth
    11. 5.11 Input and Output Matching and Filtering
    12. 5.12 Frequency Synthesizer
      1. 5.12.1 VCO, Charge Pump and PLL Loop Filter
      2. 5.12.2 VCO and PLL Self-Calibration
      3. 5.12.3 PLL Turn-on Time Versus Loop Filter Bandwidth
      4. 5.12.4 PLL Lock Time Versus Loop Filter Bandwidth
    13. 5.13 VCO and LNA Current Control
    14. 5.14 Power Management
    15. 5.15 On-Off Keying (OOK)
    16. 5.16 Crystal Oscillator
    17. 5.17 Built-in Test Pattern Generator
    18. 5.18 Interrupt on Pin DCLK
      1. 5.18.1 Interrupt Upon PLL Lock
      2. 5.18.2 Interrupt Upon Received Signal Carrier Sense
    19. 5.19 PA_EN and LNA_EN Digital Output Pins
      1. 5.19.1 Interfacing an External LNA or PA
      2. 5.19.2 General Purpose Output Control Pins
      3. 5.19.3 PA_EN and LNA_EN Pin Drive
    20. 5.20 System Considerations and Guidelines
      1. 5.20.1 SRD Regulations
      2. 5.20.2 Narrowband Systems
      3. 5.20.3 Low Cost Systems
      4. 5.20.4 Battery Operated Systems
      5. 5.20.5 High Reliability Systems
      6. 5.20.6 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Systems (FHSS)
    21. 5.21 Antenna Considerations
    22. 5.22 Configuration Registers
      1. 5.22.1 Memory
  6. 6Applications, Implementation, and Layout
    1. 6.1 Application Information
      1. 6.1.1 Typical Application
    2. 6.2 Design Requirements
      1. 6.2.1 Input and Output Matching
      2. 6.2.2 Bias Resistor
      3. 6.2.3 PLL Loop Filter
      4. 6.2.4 Crystal
      5. 6.2.5 Additional Filtering
      6. 6.2.6 Power Supply Decoupling and Filtering
    3. 6.3 PCB Layout Recommendations
  7. 7Device and Documentation Support
    1. 7.1 Device Support
      1. 7.1.1 Device Nomenclature
    2. 7.2 Documentation Support
      1. 7.2.1 Community Resources
    3. 7.3 Trademarks
    4. 7.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    5. 7.5 Export Control Notice
    6. 7.6 Glossary
  8. 8Mechanical Packaging and Orderable Information
    1. 8.1 Packaging Information



Narrowband Systems

The CC1020 device is specifically designed for narrowband systems complying with ARIB STD-T67 and EN 300 220. The CC1020 device meets the strict requirements to ACP (Adjacent Channel Power) and occupied bandwidth for a narrowband transmitter. To meet the ARIB STD-T67 requirements, a 3.0 V regulated voltage supply should be used.

For the receiver side, the CC1020 device gives very good ACR (Adjacent Channel Rejection), image frequency suppression and blocking properties for channel spacings down to 12.5 kHz.

Such narrowband performance normally requires the use of external ceramic filters. The CC1020 device provides this performance as a true single-chip solution with integrated IF filters.

Japan and Korea have allocated several frequency bands at 424, 426, 429, 447, 449 and 469 MHz for narrowband license free operation. The CC1020 device is designed to meet the requirements for operation in all these bands, including the strict requirements for narrowband operation down to 12.5 kHz channel spacing.

Due to on-chip complex filtering, the image frequency is removed. An on-chip calibration circuit is used to get the best possible image rejection. A narrowband preselector filter is not necessary to achieve image rejection.

A unique feature in the CC1020 device is the very fine frequency resolution. This can be used for temperature compensation of the crystal if the temperature drift curve is known and a temperature sensor is included in the system. Even initial adjustment can be performed using the frequency programmability. This eliminates the need for an expensive TCXO and trimming in some applications. For more details refer to AN027 Temperature Compensation by Indirect Method (SWRA065).

In less demanding applications, a crystal with low temperature drift and low aging could be used without further compensation. A trimmer capacitor in the crystal oscillator circuit (in parallel with C5) could be used to set the initial frequency accurately.

The frequency offset between a transmitter and receiver is measured in the CC1020 device and can be read back from the AFC register. The measured frequency offset can be used to calibrate the receiver frequency using the transmitter as the reference. For more details refer to AN029 CC1020/1021 Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) (SWRA063).

The CC1020 device also has the possibility to use Gaussian shaped FSK (GFSK). This spectrum-shaping feature improves adjacent channel power (ACP) and occupied bandwidth. In ‘true’ FSK systems with abrupt frequency shifting, the spectrum is inherently broad. By making the frequency shift ‘softer’, the spectrum can be made significantly narrower. Thus, higher data rates can be transmitted in the same bandwidth using GFSK.