JAJSFW0F July 2018 – February 2021 CC1352P
以下のアプリケーション情報は、TI の製品仕様に含まれるものではなく、TI ではその正確性または完全性を保証いたしません。個々の目的に対する製品の適合性については、お客様の責任で判断していただくことになります。また、お客様は自身の設計実装を検証しテストすることで、システムの機能を確認する必要があります。
For general design guidelines and hardware configuration guidelines, refer to the CC13xx/CC26xx Hardware Configuration and PCB Design Considerations Application Report.
For optimum RF performance, especially when using the high-power PA, it is important to accurately follow the reference design with respect to component values and layout. Failure to do so may lead to reduced RF performance due to balun mismatch. The amplitude- and phase balance through the balun must be <1 dB and <6 degrees, respectively.
PCB stack-up is also critical for proper operation. The CC1352P EVMs and characterization boards are using a finished thickness between the top layer (RF signals) and layer 2 (ground plane) of 175 µm. It is very important to use the same substrate thickness, or slightly thicker, in an end product implementing the CC1352P device.