SWRS176B February   2015  – July 2016 CC2640


  1. 1Device Overview
    1. 1.1 Features
    2. 1.2 Applications
    3. 1.3 Description
      1. 1.3.1 Functional Block Diagram
  2. 2Revision History
  3. 3 Device Comparison
    1. 3.1 Related Products
  4. 4Terminal Configuration and Functions
    1. 4.1 Pin Diagram - RGZ Package
    2. 4.2 Signal Descriptions - RGZ Package
    3. 4.3 Pin Diagram - RHB Package
    4. 4.4 Signal Descriptions - RHB Package
    5. 4.5 Pin Diagram - RSM Package
    6. 4.6 Signal Descriptions - RSM Package
  5. 5Specifications
    1. 5.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 5.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 5.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 5.4  Power Consumption Summary
    5. 5.5  General Characteristics
    6. 5.6  1-Mbps GFSK (Bluetooth low energy Technology) - RX
    7. 5.7  1-Mbps GFSK (Bluetooth low energy Technology) - TX
    8. 5.8  2-Mbps GFSK (Bluetooth 5) - RX
    9. 5.9  2-Mbps GFSK (Bluetooth 5) - TX
    10. 5.10 5-Mbps (Proprietary) - RX
    11. 5.11 5-Mbps (Proprietary) - TX
    12. 5.12 24-MHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC_HF)
    13. 5.13 32.768-kHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC_LF)
    14. 5.14 48-MHz RC Oscillator (RCOSC_HF)
    15. 5.15 32-kHz RC Oscillator (RCOSC_LF)
    16. 5.16 ADC Characteristics
    17. 5.17 Temperature Sensor
    18. 5.18 Battery Monitor
    19. 5.19 Continuous Time Comparator
    20. 5.20 Low-Power Clocked Comparator
    21. 5.21 Programmable Current Source
    22. 5.22 Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)
    23. 5.23 DC Characteristics
    24. 5.24 Thermal Resistance Characteristics
    25. 5.25 Timing Requirements
    26. 5.26 Switching Characteristics
    27. 5.27 Typical Characteristics
  6. 6Detailed Description
    1. 6.1  Overview
    2. 6.2  Functional Block Diagram
    3. 6.3  Main CPU
    4. 6.4  RF Core
    5. 6.5  Sensor Controller
    6. 6.6  Memory
    7. 6.7  Debug
    8. 6.8  Power Management
    9. 6.9  Clock Systems
    10. 6.10 General Peripherals and Modules
    11. 6.11 Voltage Supply Domains
    12. 6.12 System Architecture
  7. 7Application, Implementation, and Layout
    1. 7.1 Application Information
    2. 7.2 5 × 5 External Differential (5XD) Application Circuit
      1. 7.2.1 Layout
    3. 7.3 4 × 4 External Single-ended (4XS) Application Circuit
      1. 7.3.1 Layout
  8. 8Device and Documentation Support
    1. 8.1  Device Nomenclature
    2. 8.2  Tools and Software
    3. 8.3  Documentation Support
    4. 8.4  Texas Instruments Low-Power RF Website
    5. 8.5  Low-Power RF eNewsletter
    6. 8.6  Community Resources
    7. 8.7  Additional Information
    8. 8.8  Trademarks
    9. 8.9  Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    10. 8.10 Export Control Notice
    11. 8.11 Glossary
  9. 9Mechanical Packaging and Orderable Information
    1. 9.1 Packaging Information



  • RSM|32
  • RHB|32
  • RGZ|48

3 Device Comparison

Table 3-1 Device Family Overview

CC2650F128xxx Multi-Protocol(2) 128 20 31, 15, 10 RGZ, RHB, RSM
CC2640F128xxx Bluetooth low energy (Normal) 128 20 31, 15, 10 RGZ, RHB, RSM
CC2630F128xxx IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee®/6LoWPAN) 128 20 31, 15, 10 RGZ, RHB, RSM
CC2620F128xxx IEEE 802.15.4 (RF4CE) 128 20 31, 10 RGZ, RSM
(1) Package designator replaces the xxx in device name to form a complete device name, RGZ is 7-mm × 7-mm VQFN48, RHB is
5-mm × 5-mm VQFN32, and RSM is 4-mm × 4-mm VQFN32.
(2) The CC2650 device supports all PHYs and can be reflashed to run all the supported standards.

3.1 Related Products

    Wireless Connectivity The wireless connectivity portfolio offers a wide selection of low power RF solutions suitable for a broad range of application. The offerings range from fully customized solutions to turn key offerings with pre-certified hardware and software (protocol).
    Sub-1 GHz Long-range, low power wireless connectivity solutions are offered in a wide range of Sub-1 GHz ISM bands.
    Companion Products Review products that are frequently purchased or used in conjunction with this product.
    SimpleLink™ CC2650 Wireless MCU LaunchPad™ Kit The CC2650 LaunchPad kit brings easy Bluetooth® Smart connectivity to the LaunchPad kit ecosystem with the SimpleLink ultra-low power CC26xx family of devices. This LaunchPad kit also supports development for multi-protocol support for the SimpleLink multi-standard CC2650 wireless MCU and the rest of CC26xx family of products: CC2630 wireless MCU for ZigBee®/6LoWPAN and CC2640 wireless MCU for Bluetooth® Smart.
    Reference Designs for CC2640 TI Designs Reference Design Library is a robust reference design library spanning analog, embedded processor and connectivity. Created by TI experts to help you jump-start your system design, all TI Designs include schematic or block diagrams, BOMs and design files to speed your time to market. Search and download designs at ti.com/tidesigns.