JAJSI90A November 2019 – April 2020 DAC60502 , DAC70502 , DAC80502
Data written to the DAC data registers are initially stored in the DAC buffer registers. The update mode of the DAC output is determined by the status of the DAC_SYNC_EN bit (address 2h).
In asynchronous mode (default, DAC_SYNC_EN = 0), a write to the DAC buffer register results in an immediate update of the DAC active register. In SPI mode, the DAC output (VOUTx pin) updates on the rising edge of SYNC. In I2C mode, the DAC output (VOUT pin) updates on the falling edge of SCL on the last acknowledge bit.
In synchronous mode (DAC_SYNC_EN = 1), writing to the DAC buffer register does not automatically update the DAC active register. Instead, the update occurs only after a software LDAC trigger event. A software LDAC trigger generates through the LDAC bit in the TRIGGER register (address 5h). When the host reads from a DAC buffer register, the value held in the DAC buffer register is returned (not the value held in the DAC active register).