Applicable for the DMD as a component or non-operating
in a system. | MIN | MAX | UNIT |
TDMD | DMD temperature | –40 | 80 | °C |
TDP-AVG | Average dew point temperature, non-condensing(1) | | 28 | °C |
TDP-ELR | Elevated dew point temperature range, non-condensing(2) | 28 | 36 | °C |
CTELR | Cumulative time in elevated dew point temperature range | | 24 | months |
(1) The average temperature over time (including storage and
operating temperatures) that the device is not in the elevated dew point
temperature range.
(2) Exposure to dew point temperatures in the elevated range
during storage and operation should be limited to less than a total cumulative
time of CTELR.