4 Revision History
Changes from Revision B (June 2019) to Revision C (December 2020)
- 一般的なデータシートのフォーマットと注文を更新Go
- 「(2D および 3D)」を削除Go
- ピクセル・クロックを 155MHz に変更Go
- サポートされている DMD を更新Go
- Reorganized Pin Function descriptionGo
- Changed table "Pin Functions - Parallel Port Input" to match
DLPC3430/35 Go
- Changed table "Pin Functions - DMD Reset and Bias Control" to match
DLPC3430/35 Go
- Changed table "Pin Functions - DMD Sub-LVDS Interface" to match
DLPC3430/35 Go
- Changed table "Pin Functions - Peripheral Interface" to match
DLPC3430/35 Go
- Changed table "Pin Functions - GPIO Peripheral Interface" to match
DLPC3430/35 Go
- Changed description for GPIO_02 (removed option 2) Go
- Changed description for GPIO_01 (removed option 2) Go
- Deleted table "GPIO_01 and GPIO_02" Go
- Changed table "Pin Functions - Clock and PLL Support" to match
DLP3430/35 Go
- Changed table "Pin Functions - Power and Ground" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Changed table "I/O Type Subscript Definition" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Updated Absolute Maximum Rating Go
- Deleted row for VDDLP12 Go
- Updated Recommended Operating ConditionsGo
- Changed 1.00C to 0.1C (correction) Go
- Updated Power Electrical Characteristics Go
- Added table note "The reported numbers are valid only when operating the DLPC3478 in display mode."Go
- Updated Pin Electrical CharacteristicsGo
- Changed table "Internal Pullup and Pulldown Electrical Characteristics" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Updated DMD Sub-LVDS Interface Electrical Characteristics Go
- Changed Images "Common Mode Voltage" and "Differential Output Signal" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Updated DMD Low-Speed Interface Electrical CharacteristicsGo
- Changed Images "LS_CLK and LS_WDATA Slew Rate" and "DMD_DEN_ARSTZ Slew Rate" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Updated System Oscillator Timing RequirementsGo
- Changed image "System Oscillators" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Updated Power Supply and Reset Timing Requirements Go
- Changed image "Power_Up and Power-Down RESETZ Timing" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Changed table "Parallel Interface Frame Timing Requirements" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Changed image "Parallel Interface Frame Timing" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Changed table "Parallel Interface General Timing Requirements" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Changed image "Parallel Interface Pixel Timing" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Changed table "BT656 Interface General Timing Requirements" to match DLP3430/35 Go
- Added BT.656 Interface Mode Bit Mapping Go
- Deleted "with a programmable clock rate" Go
- Changed 64Mb to 128Mb Go
- Changed table "Flash Interface Timing Requirements" Go
- Added Flash Interface Timing diagramGo
- Updated maximum SPI flash size to 128MbGo
- Added section "Other Timing Requirements" to match DLPC3430/35 Go
- Added DMD Sub-LVDS Interface Switching CharacteristicsGo
- Added DMD Parking Switching CharacteristicsGo
- Added Chipset Component Usage Specification Go
- Changed DLP2010 to DLP3010 Go
- Added DLPA3005 Go
- Changed DLP2010/DLP2010NIR (.2 WVGA) to DLP3010 (0.3 inch 720p) Go
- Deleted section "Parameter Measurement Information" Go
- Added subsection "Supported Resolution and Frame Rates"; includes table "Supported Input Source Ranges"Go
- Changed 242 Hz to 122 Hz Go
- Changed table notes in "Supported Resolution and Frame Rates"Go
- Changed 854 x 480 to 1280 x 720 Go
- Changed "Bits / Pixel" to "Bits per pixel" Go
- Deleted "Fewer pins are used if multiple clocks are used per pixel transfer." Go
- Changed title of subsection "Input Source - Frame Rates and 3-D Display Orientation" to "3-D Display"Go
- Added DSI Interface - Supported Data Transfer Formats
- Clarified that most video processing functions can be bypassed in pattern display mode Go
- Changed description of TRIG_OUT_1 to indicate it's only active at the beginning of each input frame Go
- Added
Section 7.3.8
- Changed level of "DMD interface" (moved up) Go
- Changed section "DMD Interface" to mach DLPC3430/35 Go
- Changed "DLP2010 (.2 WVGA)" to "DLP3010 (0.3 inch 720p)" Go
- Changed "four" to "two" Go
- Changed DLP2010 to DLP3010 Go
- Changed table "DLP2010 (.2 WVGA) DMD – Controller to 4-Lane DMD Pin Mapping Options" to "DLP3010 (0.3 inch 720p) DMD – ASIC to 8-Lane DMD Pin Mapping Options" (table copied from DLPS035)Go
- Changed DLP2010 to DLP3010 Go
- Updated external pattern streaming
system block diagram.Go
- Updated internal pattern streaming
system block diagram.Go
- Changed "is" to "can be" Go
- Deleted " or DLP2010NIR" Go
- Changed DLP2010 to DLP3010 Go
- Deleted " or DLP2010NIR" Go
- Changed DLP2010 to DLP3010 Go
- Added section "Documentation Support" Go
Changes from Revision A (July 2018) to Revision B (June 2019)
- リビジョン B の変更はリビジョン C の変更によって置き換えGo
Changes from Revision * (April 2018) to Revision A (July 2018)