JAJSJF3 December 2021 DP83TC814R-Q1 , DP83TC814S-Q1
The DP83TC814S-Q1 supports up to three configurable Light Emitting Diode (LED) pins: LED_0, LED_1, and LED_2 (CLKOUT). Several functions can be multiplexed onto the LEDs for different modes of operation. LED operations are selected using registers 0x0450.
Because the LED output pins are also used as strap pins, external components required for strapping and the user must consider the LED usage to avoid contention. Specifically, when the LED outputs are used to drive LEDs directly, the active state of each output driver is dependent on the logic level sampled by the corresponding input upon power up or hardware reset.
Figure 8-15 shows the two proper ways of connecting LEDs directly to the DP83TC814S-Q1 .