SLVSB25C August   2011  – June 2015 DRV201


  1. Features
  2. Applications
  3. Description
  4. Revision History
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
  6. Specifications
    1. 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4 Thermal Information
    5. 6.5 Electrical Characteristics
    6. 6.6 Data Transmission Timing
    7. 6.7 Typical Characteristics
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 7.1 Overview
    2. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 7.3 Feature Description
      1. 7.3.1 VCM Driver Output Stage Operation
      2. 7.3.2 Ringing Compensation
    4. 7.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 7.4.1 Modes of Operation
    5. 7.5 Programming
      1. 7.5.1 I2C Bus Operation
        1. Single Write to a Defined Location
        2. Single Read from a Defined Location and Current Location
        3. Sequential Read and Write
      2. 7.5.2 I2C Device Address, Start and Stop Condition
    6. 7.6 Register Maps
      1. 7.6.1 Register Address Map
      2. 7.6.2 Control Register (Control) Address - 0x02h
      3. 7.6.3 VCM MSB Current Control Register (VCM_Current_MSB) Address - 0x03h
      4. 7.6.4 VCM LSB Current Control Register (VCM_Current_LSB) Address - 0x04h
      5. 7.6.5 Status Register (Status) Address - 0x05h
      6. 7.6.6 Mode Register (Mode) Address - 0x06h
      7. 7.6.7 VCM Resonance Frequency Register (VCM_FREQ) Address - 0x07h
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 8.1 Application Information
      1. 8.1.1 VCM Mechanical Ringing Frequency
    2. 8.2 Typical Application
      1. 8.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
        1. User Example 1
        2. User Example 2
      3. 8.2.3 Application Curves
  9. Power Supply Recommendations
  10. 10Layout
    1. 10.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 10.2 Layout Example
  11. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Community Resources
    2. 11.2 Trademarks
    3. 11.3 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    4. 11.4 Glossary
  12. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information



4 Revision History

Changes from B Revision (November 2013) to C Revision

  • Added ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section Go

Changes from A Revision (June 2012) to B Revision

  • Changed minor datasheet errata in register maps. Updated to reflect correct bit valuesGo