JAJSPO7C March 2015 – January 2023 DRV2700
The boost output voltage is programmable as high as 105 V. A capacitor with a voltage rating of at least the boost output voltage must be selected. Because ceramic capacitors come in ratings of 100 V or 250 V, a 250-V rated 100-nF capacitor of the X5R or X7R type is recommended for the 105-V case. The selected capacitor should have a minimum working capacitance of at least 50 nF. If a smaller ripple on this node is required, then a larger capacitor should be selected. If using a differential output in the boost + amplifier configuration, then the ripple is canceled because it is prevelant on both the OUT+ and OUT– pins.
For this design example, a 100-nF capacitor was used.