JAJSSE7 November 2023 DRV8214
Table 8-40 lists the memory-mapped registers for the DRV8214_CONFIG registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 8-40 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.
Offset | Acronym | Register Name | Section |
9h | CONFIG0 | Configuration Registers - Faults (1/5). | Section |
Ah | CONFIG1 | Configuration Registers - (2/5). | Section |
Bh | CONFIG2 | Configuration Registers - (3/5). | Section |
Ch | CONFIG3 | Configuration Registers - (4/5). | Section |
Dh | CONFIG4 | Configuration Registers - (5/5). | Section |
Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 8-41 shows the codes that are used for access types in this section.
Access Type | Code | Description |
Read Type | ||
R | R | Read |
Write Type | ||
W | W | Write |
Reset or Default Value | ||
-n | Value after reset or the default value |
CONFIG0 is shown in Table 8-42.
Return to the Summary Table.
Enable/Disable various faults like OCP, OVP, STALL, etc.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | EN_OUT | R/W | 0h | 0b: All driver FETs are Hi-Z. 1b: Enables the driver outputs. |
6 | EN_OVP | R/W | 1h | Enables the OVP feature. 1b by default, can be made 0b after power-up to disable the OVP feature. Refer to Section for further explanation. |
5 | EN_STALL | R/W | 1h | Enables the Stall Detection feature. Stall detection feature can be disabled by setting this bit to 0b. Refer to EN_STALL configuration under Section 8.3.5 for further explanation. |
4 | VSNS_SEL | R/W | 0h | 0b: Use the analog low-pass filter to average out the output voltage for voltage regulation. Refer to OUT_FLT for further description of the analog low-pass filter. 0b is the recommended value. 1b: Use the digital low-pass filter for voltage regulation. This option perfroms multiplication of the duty cycle with VM to obtain the output voltage. |
3 | VM_GAIN_SEL | R/W | 0h | Selects the voltage range for better resolution during voltage regulation for
smaller voltages. 0b: Voltage range is 0V - 15.7V. 1b: Voltage range is 0V - 3.92V. Refer to Section for further explanation. |
2 | CLR_CNT | R/W | 0h | Resets the ripple counter to 0, and resets CNT_DONE. Also releases nFAULT when RC_REP = 10b. CLR_CNT is automatically reset. |
1 | CLR_FLT | R/W | 0h | Clears all latched faults when set to 1b. CLR_FLT is automatically reset. |
0 | DUTY_CTRL | R/W | 0h | When speed regulation is disabled and the DUTY_CTRL bit is 1b, user can write desired PWM duty to EXT_DUTY bits. The range of duty is 0% (000000b) to 100% (111111b). |
CONFIG1 is shown in Table 8-43.
Return to the Summary Table.
Configure the inrush time (1/2).
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | TINRUSH_7:0 | R/W | 0h | Lower half 8-bit output out of the total 16-bit output for inrush time blanking for stall detection. Sets the amount of time for which the stall detection scheme ignores motor inrush current. Refer to Section for further explanation. |
CONFIG2 is shown in Table 8-44.
Return to the Summary Table.
Configure the inrush time (2/2).
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | TINRUSH_15:8 | R/W | 0h | Upper half 8-bit output out of the total 16-bit output for inrush time blanking for stall detection. Sets the amount of time for which the stall detection scheme ignores motor inrush current. Refer to Section for further explanation. |
CONFIG3 is shown in Table 8-45.
Return to the Summary Table.
Enable/Disable various device modes like IMODE, SMODE and parameters like blanking time.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | IMODE | R/W | 1h | Determines the behavior of current regulation. Refer to IMODE configuration under Section for further explanation. |
5 | SMODE | R/W | 1h | Programs device response to a stall condition. Refer to SMODE configuration under Section 8.3.5 for further explanation. |
4 | INT_VREF | R/W | 0h | If set to 1b, sets VREF voltage to 500mV internally. Voltage is not fixed if INT_VREF is set to 0b. Refer to Section 8.3.5 for further explanation. |
3 | TBLANK | R/W | 0h | Sets the current sense blanking time. If set to 0b, tBLANK=1.8µs. If set to 1b, tBLANK=1.0µs. |
2 | TDEG | R/W | 0h | Sets the current regulation and stall detection deglitch time. If set to 0b, tDEG=2µs. If set to 1b, tDEG=1µs. |
1 | OCP_MODE | R/W | 1h | Programs device response to an overcurrent event. If set to 0b, device is latched off in case of an OCP event. Can be cleared using CLR_FLT. If set to 1b, device performs auto-retry after time tretry in case of an OCP event. Refer to Section for further explanation. |
0 | TSD_MODE | R/W | 1h | Programs device response to an overtemperature event. If set to 0b, device is latched off in case of a TSD event. If set to 1b, device performs auto-retry when TJ<TTSD–THYS. |
CONFIG4 is shown in Table 8-46.
Return to the Summary Table.
Configure the report registers like RC_REP and STALL_REP.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | RC_REP | R/W | 0h | Determines whether nFAULT is pulled low when RC_CNT exceeds threshold, and the behavior of RC_CNT when it reaches maximum value of (216-1). Refer to RC_REP Settings under Section 8.3.6 for further explanation. |
5 | STALL_REP | R/W | 1h | Determines whether stall is reported on the nFAULT pin. When set to 1b, nFAULT is low whenever stall is detected. When set to 0b, stall is not reported on nFAULT output. Refer to Section 8.3.5 for further explanation. |
4 | CBC_REP | R/W | 1h | When REG_CTRL is set to 01b, the device enters cycle-by-cycle mode of current regulation. In this mode, the device can indicate whenever the H-bridge enters internal current regulation. CBC_REP bit is used to determine device outputs' behavior in the cycle-by-cycle mode. 1b: nFAULT is pulled low when H-Bridge enters internal current regulation. 0b: nFAULT is not pulled low when H-Bridge enters internal current regulation. Refer to Section for further explanation. |
3 | PMODE | R/W | 1h | Switch between phase/enable mode and PWM mode. 0b: PH/EN. 1b: PWM. |
2 | I2C_BC | R/W | 0h | Decides the H-Bridge Control Interface. 0b: Bridge control configured by INx pins. 1b: Bridge control configured by I2C bits I2C_EN_IN1 and I2C_PH_IN2. |
1 | I2C_EN_IN1 | R/W | 0h | Enable/PWM Input Bit 1 for internal bridge control. Used when I2C_BC=1b. Ignored when I2C_BC=0b. |
0 | I2C_PH_IN2 | R/W | 0h | Phase/PWM Input Bit 2 for internal bridge control. Used when I2C_BC=1b.Ignored when I2C_BC=0b. |